Online language courses designed by language lovers, crafted for you.

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En Rocket Languages, aprendemos idiomas como nadie más.

Te llevamos al corazón del idioma que te apasiona y te brindamos todo lo que necesitas para entender el idioma y la cultura como un local.

Con Rocket Inglés, tú...

  • Have lifetime access to your course.

    A new language can be yours for life, and we believe your language course should be too. With Rocket Languages, you can come back in a month, a year or even a decade and still have full access to your courses. You'll also get all of the updates and improvements that we make for free!

  • Perfect your pronunciation.

    If you can pronounce words correctly, then you know you'll be understood by the locals - which is why we teach you to talk just like they do. With our courses, you can check your pronunciation using our state-of-the-art voice recognition system and listen to native speaker audio of thousands of useful words and phrases.

  • Practice on-the-spot speaking.

    Many new language learners feel nervous about talking to native speakers, so we've created the perfect activity to address this problem. It lets you practice both sides of common conversations in a comfortable, stress-free environment, so that you're ready to respond when you're out in the real world.

Lesson List
  • Remember what you cover.

    You'll put a lot of time into learning your new language, so we make sure you can remember it all by including fun and engaging activities in every lesson. These activities use algorithms to identify where you're having trouble and help you practice problematic words and phrases until they stick.

  • Learn how the language actually works.

    Knowing a few set phrases in your new language can be helpful, but will only get you so far in real-life situations. We take you step by step through how the language works so that you can build sentences on your own and actually take part in conversations.

  • Train your ears as well as your mouth.

    When you first hear someone speak in a language you don't know, it can be hard to make out even a single word. Our courses come with tons of downloadable audio tracks that train your ear to your new language.

Audio Player
    • Be ready to blend in with the locals.

      Communicating and connecting with people in another language isn't just about using proper grammar - it's also about understanding another culture. We get you ready for this with lessons on everything from greetings and foods to holidays and local customs.

    • Get courses tailored for your new language.

      A lot of other courses out there take a cookie-cutter approach, using the same template for every language they teach. At Rocket Languages, we understand that no two languages are exactly alike! That's why we've carefully crafted each of our courses to include what's practical, relevant, and useful for the language you are learning.

    • Stay on track and stay inspired.

      Motivation is key to learning a language, so we make sure to provide you with a wide array of motivational tools and techniques. They'll keep your interest up and your focus sharp so you can meet your goals and make better progress.

Writing Lessons

¡La gente ama los idiomas de Rocket, tú también lo harás!

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4946 Reseñas de clientes

76.6% (3789)

15.3% (757)

4.9% (242)

2.1% (105)

1.1% (53)

Premios: Editors Choice
Bessie Awards
European Business Magazine
Usado por: The Cheesecake Factory

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¿Listo no solo para hablar inglés, sino también para experimentar la cultura? Realice una prueba gratuita para descubrir cómo Rocket Languages hace más que brindarle un nuevo vocabulario: lo sumergimos en nuevos lugares y culturas.

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