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Portuguese Words

This series of lessons is all about Portuguese words that you will regularly come across when speaking to Portuguese people or traveling through Portugal.

Make sure you practice your pronunciation using the voice recognition tool, and do the testing at the end of each lesson (where available!). Let's get started learning some Portuguese words!

Polite words in Portuguese

Ready to be on your best behavior? After this free Rocket Portuguese lesson you’ll be able to say "thank you," "excuse me," "sorry," and use other polite words in Portuguese with confidence. You’ll also know how to express your appreciation when someone is being helpful to you.

Portuguese Travel Words

Knowing these Portuguese travel words will make your stay in Portuguese much more comfortable and enjoyable!

After this lesson you'll be able to ask for what you need in Portuguese, find your way around a hotel, and share any concerns you have with the hotel staff. Get started today!


Tereza Pereira: Rocket Portuguese