Rocket Languages Reviews

Find out what actual users have to say about our courses through their Rocket Languages reviews.

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5095 Customer Reviews

5 Stars

78.7% (4012)

4 Stars

14.0% (715)

3 Stars

3.9% (201)

2 Stars

1.4% (73)

1 Star

1.8% (94)

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Daniel Mac Leon

Daniel Mac Leon

Rocket Chinese
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I'm new to Chinese. Since I'll be taking a teaching position in Shanghai over the summer I've been researching, practicing, and learning how to speak Chinese and about the Chinese culture.

After three days with the Rocket Chinese trial, I decided to become a full member. Although, I use other Chinese lessons too, I find myself coming back to Rocket Chinese for reinforcement and to build new vocabulary.

As an educator I know that keeping learning fun and enjoyable is as important as the content.

Thank you for creating such a great learning tool.


aniel lima

Aniel Lima

sao paulo

Rocket Chinese
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I've been trying lots of systems to learn chinese. None of them got so amezed as the Rocket Languanges. My chinese skills got a lot better only by using well (I mean every day, for about two hours) the trial version.

Bradley Gregory

Bradley Gregory

Rocket Chinese
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Great value for price! I like the browser but was really impressed with the app on IOS. Since I am on the go quite often, it is nice to learn Mandarin and check things off right on my phone. The more exposure to the language the better, and now I don't have to just sit at a computer all day and learn. Despite a few little bugs it has been more than I expected and I would recommend Rocket over Rosetta Stone anytime.

Chris Cooke-Johnson

Chris Cooke-johnson

Rocket Chinese
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I've tried a number of other courses, including the big names and found them very disconnected from real world experiences. I did have a basic understanding of French previously, but the Rocket Languages course was an excellent way to brush up and lean more.

Anna Beech

Anna Beech

Rocket Chinese
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It's the easiest, fastest way I have found to learn. Step by step, lots of reviewing, which is ultimately the way to learn languages. I am really enjoying the lessons and the audio files - easy to navigate. Thanks Rocket.

Jeremy Dolan

Jeremy Dolan

United States

Rocket Chinese
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Very thorough review of each lesson but it starts to move too quick and shove too much in each lesson one you hit the 2.0's. It is hard to add up to 20 new words in one lesson instead of building a few at a time.

Shane Brown

Shane Brown

Monrovia, IN , United States

Rocket Chinese
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This program is awesome as it allows you to adjust to different learning styles and discover which is best for you! Right now I am living in China and this program is very accurate compared to the real thing. I bought this program because of its many styles of teaching but also because of its accountability!

Marie Josee Fortin

Marie Josee Fortin

Rocket Chinese
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So far I like that method better then the pervious I have tried. It is simple and interactive. I like the voice recording revision. I would suggest to give a choice of traditional Chinese as well.

Matt Sutton

Matt Sutton

Rocket Chinese
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I feel very comfortable with this course. It's no-pressure learning at its finest. I look forward to the future lessons with much anticipation! I need 200 characters, so I'm going to finish up by saying some random things, such as . . . .

laura  sinnott

Laura Sinnott

Rocket Chinese
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After loving the Spanish rocket language and purchasing it, I tries to Chinese trial. People have said my language skills are improving - it's definitely more effective than Rosetta Stone. Thanks rocket!