Flag for review?



Hi, I would appreciate it if Rocket Chinese would add a way to flag certain lessons for review. I've done some lessons that I've already tested on, but it has been several months and I've forgotten some of what I learned. I need to refresh my memory. It would be nice when I come back tomorrow or another day to see flags on them so I remember to review them. Is this possible? Thanks.


There is no built in, automated way, to do what you are asking. Rocket Chinese would need to add this feature. One way that Rocket Chinese could implement this is to add a feature whereby the tests that we already took go from completed to not completed. I would suggest keeping this an option with the default setting to OFF. Then allow us to configure which tests we with to age out. Then, by looking at the dashboard, we could see that we need to retake certain tests. For now, we can go in manually and reset tests.


你们好! Thanks for he suggestions! I have passed these onto our development team for consideration and hopefully we can get these incorporated at some point in the future. Keep the suggestions coming in, we are always looking at ways to improve the courses and provide an all-round better experience for you guys. Thanks again and 加油! - Lin Ping


Thanks, Lin! I appreciate the way Rocket Chinese is open to improving based on users' suggestions.

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