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Understanding Spoken Italian



Ciao a tutti,

I have little difficulty recalling phrases and words in Italian. In other words I find it quite easy to use what I have learning so far in Rocket Italian to compose sentences. However, my problem lies in understanding others speak. I find that when I listen to someone speak Italian, even at a slow pace, I can never understand what is being said. I find myself being able to pick out individual words, but by the time I translate that word in my head, 4 other words have already been said.

I have heard that listening to Italian radio stations, watching movies and reading books in Italian helps. However since I am only 3/4 through Rocket Italian Premium there are many words and tenses I am unaware of. I feel like no matter now much I listen, Ill never understand what is completely being said.

Just looking for some input on the situation, as I assume and hope that many others have the same issues.

Grazie Mille


Ciao Roberto,

Rocket Premium course is the beginner course which will introduce you to the language.
I always suggest to listen and repeat the lessons as many times as you need making sure that you are familiar with the vocabulary learned.
At the end of the course you will realized how many words and sentences you have improved since you have started.
After that you can continue your learning process with Rocket Italian Premium Plus and Platinum.
If you have any enquiry or you simply want to have  a chat with the other students, please feel free to post a message in the forum.
Enjoy Rocket Italian :)



Relax.  Give it time and repetition.  You are still at a very elementary level.  Think of how many years you lived in English but still had to take English classes all the way through High School.  Give yourself time.  No hurry.  It will come.  Keep listening.  I particularly enjoy some TV game shows.  On RAI uno there is now "Reazione a Catena".  It's a great show.  They have a website where you can watch recorded programs for free.


Brava Deborah,

very good example .
I personally like " il commissario Montalbano ".

Have you seen it?


I think the advice you are getting is good. Don't worry too much about complete understanding. I'm about the same place you are in the lessons, and I'm discovering while I almost never can follow word for word, I can sometimes pick up a general idea of what they are talking about. Its very hard when people are going at conversation speed. The ultimate goal is to not have your brain translating everything from Italian to English in your brain, but for the Italian to have meaning by itself.


I have really surprised myself by going into a local Italian restaurant and for the first time ever, aftr a few weeks of concentrated Rocket Italian, I could follow a fair bit of what the staff were saying behind the bar - including having a laugh (in a kind way) about some customers! I now order there in Italian.


That's wonderful, Claire! 

I've started listening to the game show referenced above and I was amazed that I could understand many words and the gist of what the host was saying. There are so many blogs and Italian sites but I have a couple and I note every word i know, then try to loosely translate. It's a good feeling, just like you had in the restaurant..



Hi Fran ! I'm in Italy right now for a couple of weeks and have much more confidence than I thought I would. Most people in shops etc seem happy to battle through my patchwork of bits of Italian. The frustration is that in the heat of the moment I can't always access words I know I know! I've found guessing works quite well and keeps the conversation going. I would welcome more lessons on verbs though!
Tanti auguri!


Its really best best feeling when you go to Italy and discover that the fears that you would fall flat on your face did not come to pass.


Lucky you to be in Italia now. Enjoy every moment. And, how great that you are doing so well with speaking and understanding. I can't wait to do the same thing when we visit late next year. 

Blessings, Fran


Ciao a tutti!

Claire, being in Italy now makes you realize how much you have learned and at which point of the learning process you are.
This is the best way to practise.
Speak to locals , try to interact and don´t worry if you make mistakes.
Italians love foreigners try to speak our language.
Thanks for your feedback , I´ll see if we can add some useful verbs in the forum.
I hope you are having a great time in Italy and I can´t wait to read your post in Italian in our forum :)

Buone vacanze.


Ciao Maria!

E non importa che sia bene o male, la mia conversazione con amici o stranieri - tutto bene in Italia. Ogni giorno e necessario parlare o leggere. La vacanza e utile. Mi dispiace, io scriverlo senza aiuto! 



Brava Claire,

pian piano vedrai che migliorarai il tuo italiano senza neanche accorgertene !



Ciao a tutti,

Excellent post Roberto and very informative responses. 

This is my first real dive into the Forums. I was happy to discover the suggestion "Reazione a Catena" after reading the above. I'd love to hear any other suggestions for TV shows everyone might have.




Allora, dove posso incontrare questo film "Reazione a Catena"? Ho studiato italiano per qualche tempo, e non conosco nessuna persona con chi fare practica. Penso che si vedo questo tipo de film mi sarebbe utili.

This is my attempt to practice what I have learned. I am sure it is not perfect, but I think people may be able to understand the idea.


Can anyone answer please?




Reazione a Catena is a summer trivia show, not a film.  It is not on now.  The current trivia show is "L'Eredita'".  It is also extremely helpful in learning many, many things about Italian, the country, customs, geography, current events...  Great show and a terrific learning resource.


Mi piace molto che molti studenti tentaranno da scribere in italiano nel questo Forum.


Mi scuse Deborah, per no respondere da tante tempo. Era molto malata, dopo avere cirugia nel ginnochio. Grazzie per l'informatione. Capisco adesso

Grazzie ache lei, Alexandra, mi piace fare practice l'italiano  



Can anyone recommend any on line radio stations? I know many use local pronunciations but some use " proper" Italian?
I am a beginner


Has dozens of free practice conversations 


Thanks Raymond
I will check it out


Ciao a tutti!

I recommend the SEE-DO-TEACH method for everything. So I am learning Italian (very aggressively) because I am going to Italy for my wedding in May. I am learning and SEEING the lessons. I'm DOING my practice, but I'm really "locking it in" by teaching others what I know. I'm teaching my niece as I go along and I'm discovering that as I show someone else and converse with them, my brain locks it in and I can access it again much faster.

So go teach someone else the Italian you've just learned! You might end up discovering you're actually pretty good at this whole "new language" thing!

– Blake

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