Hello, Would like some help



Konnichiwa Just call me Eric san. I recently purchased Rocket Japanese and i'm trying to learn I would like to learn how to read and write in Japanese Hiragana and etc, but i'm new and i really don't understand the basic concept of how it's interpreted, I'm completely new to learning and asian language and would love and help i can get, As much detail would be appreciated but in a way I could understand I know a little Romaji but that's about it, thank you to anyone who helps =)


Konnichiwa Eric san! I've been a member of Rocket Japanese since near the start of October. if you want to learn how to write in Japanese, go to "your course" and click on one of the blue tabs, Example: Greeting, Meeting, Food and Drink tab, go down and click one of the "grammar and culture." Once you selesct a grammar and culture lesson, it'll take you to that lesson's page. From there you will have 5 tabs: Grammar, Culture, Writing, Quiz and Notes. Select writing and you should be able to start learning to write in Japanese. I hope this helps! :P


Thank you dear RJ member for that explanation! Yes, Eric-san. First of all, welcome to Rocket Japanese. We are delighted to have you join us in your journey of learning Japanese. Writing Japanese can be challenging, but it's certainly rewarding, and with Rocket Japanese, it will be fun! :P As our dear RJ member has guided you above, the Writing sections in the Grammar and Culture lessons contain Handwriting videos that show you step-by-step how to write Japanese script. We begin with Hiragana, then once you've mastered each one of them, move on to Katakana. By the time you've familiarized yourself with Hiragana and Katakana, you'll feel excited to jump to the Kanji characters! Don't worry, we go one-by-one, literally, from how to write the Number 1. If you have any questions, comments... or simply want to post how you're getting along, I'd be happy to reply anytime, any day! Enjoy! :P - SAYAKA


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