Lets Practice Japanese Together



konnichiwa ogenki desu ka?


Hai. Genki desu. Kyo wa, Roketto Japaniizsu de, nani o benkyou shimashita ka? Boku wa, nanimo benkyou shimasendeshita ga, nihongo no manga o yomimashita. Sono manga no namae wa "Kuroshitsuji" desu. Sore wa eigo de "Black Butler" desu. Kowai desu yo! Eto ne, hiragana to katakana o yomemasu ka?




watishi no namayeh saeed desu.


パスカルさん、きみはしつじのまんががとてもすきだみます :)。 その漫画タイプは、にほんごをべんきょうやくだちます。 (one question here: Can I use the verb tasukeru instead of yakudachiru ? Both mean to help, but I didn't know which to use.) romanji: Pascal-san, kimi wa shitsuji no manga ga totemo suki da mimasu. Sono manga taipu wa nihongo o benkyou takudachimasu. コッド


@コッド はい、執事の漫画がとても楽しいですよ!そのタイプは、僕の好きな漫画は黒執事です! かな:は、しつじのまんががとてもたのしいですよ!そのタイプは、ぼくのすきなまんがは”くろしつじ”です! Yes, you can use tasukeru, but I think you attatch it to the stem of Benkyou suru. ---benkyou shi tasukemasu. I think It would be ...no manga ga totemo suki mitai! Someone correct me if I'm wrong.


quote from Pascal-san: "I think It would be ...no manga ga totemo suki mitai!" I wanted to say that: "It seems that you really like that type of manga"...as you wrote there it translates as: "I would really like to see manga..." Though, I think it would've been more correct to say: みえます instead of みます in order to mean "it seems/looks like...". If you weren't referring to me with that sentence, sumimasen deshita ! コッド


@コッド I was trying to use a construction that is covered in lesson 12.7 of the course, where you use "mitai" to convey "looks like". However, I'm not sure I used it correctly and so would like some clarification on that. You could for sure say "...no manga ga totemo suku mitai". (suku 好く means to like) . I'm certain I used Mitai correctly here.


Wakarimashita :D Huh, lesson 12.7 ? I'm only half way :|. Well, I've still got a lot to do. I estimated that it would take me about an year to finish the Level 2 (due to my circumstances I don't have much free time for Japanese, so I'm taking it easy). At least I clarified something up: found out the dictionary form of the verb to like, it sounds kind of odd. Anyway, thanks...I want to find out too if you used "mitai" correctly here. Off-topic: I wonder what happened around here. I haven't seen Sayaka-sensei nor Derek-san around here lately because I'm still waiting for a response at the "Life in Japan" topic in the Culture and Travel section.


Lol, コッド I find that you rely on my advice very flattering. Thank you for that! Although, the thing is that around new years, Japan becomes very hectic. While yeah it's been a month since then, I have been busy translating my favorite new years Japanese TV special from Japanese to English with a few other translators on here as well. On another note, I have yet to hear the verb form of "to like" being used in daily conversation. I also checked on Denshi Jisho (Jisho.org) which will label words as "Common Words" and 好く is not one of such. While it is technically Japanese, it isn't what is used. Normally when saying I like something, it's just ==Thing you like== は 好き です. To put that in question form ==Thing you're asking== は 好き です か? If your asking if someone has a liking of some kind of thing, like favorite pet or something like that. You can use 好き as well but since 好き is a な adjective you have to make sure you place な between 好き and the category in question. So if you're asking, what's your favorite animal? 好(す)きな動物(どうぶつ)は何(なん)ですか? suki na doubutu wa nan desu ka? An appropriate response could be as follows: 好(す)きな動物(どうぶつ)は猫(ねこ)です。 suki na doubutu wa neko desu. I like cats. Although if you really wanted to be more specific and ask what their absolute FAVORITE animal was then it'd be more appropriate to use お気に入り. In the question I offered earlier, saying 好きな suki na =something= its more like asking for things that are between the "indifferent" and "favorite" stage of liking. お気に入り is the ACTUAL word for favorite. Although I don't have as much experience using it, so you may have to experiment a bit for yourself. What I have seen it used is as follows: お気(き)に入(い)り動物(どうぶつ)は何(なん)ですか? What's your favorite animal? お気(き)に入(い)り動物(どうぶつ)は犬(いぬ)です。 My favorite animal is dogs. Based upon this I would say that you do NOT need to use な (NA) to splice together a noun and お気に入り but I would say it does have a bit more limited usage potentially. Truthfully お気に入り is an expression, I'm not going to explain its literal meaning because that will only serve to confuse people, but what I will share is that it basically means "Favorite".


Thanks for the explanation デレクさん, I learned a bit about the "o ki ni iri" expression from the lessons, but you clarified it quite a bit for me :D. P.S. Of course I rely on you and Sayaka-sensei because you have the most experience in this :), Pascal-san too, he is quite knowledgeble and I find his support very helpful too




@Keyatta Hajimemashite! Anata wa, dou shimashita ka? Kinou wa shiken ga arimasu node, you wa shiken no mono o benkyou shimashita.


hi, this just the first time i am join there. this fun!!!! i am studying english too, so hope that everyone can help me little bit to improving my english skill also, this a big deal with me now !!! ^_^


welcome tran what language are you stduying?


Konnichiwa!Hajimemashite.Namae wa Adrienne desu.(movies)wa suki desu.


@Adrienne Movie(s) = eiga (read with a long "e" sound - eega) ひらがな(hiragana): えいが かんじ(kanji): 映画 


I appreciate the help with the word movies:)


I thought to post this here rather than create a new topic: Can anyone give me some advice on how to find a Japanese person who lives in my hometown ? What methods should I use or where should I search exactly ?


konnichiwa o genki desu ka?


@コッド You could try putting an ad in a local paper, offering to teach conversational english in exchange for them talking to you in Japanese. @naoh a Iie, kyou wa genki na hito ja nai yo :( kinou wa, muzukashikatta shiken wo kakimashita kara, atama ga itai yo! いいえ、今日は元気な人じゃないよ。昨日は、難しかった試験を書きましたから、頭が痛いよ!


In lesson 1.2 Tea Time in the phrase : に ひゃく ご じゅう えん の お つり です What is the no in no o tsuri desu. What does it mean?


The "no" denotes ownership. In this case: Ni hyaku go juu en NO otsuri desu. Means literally : "two-hundred-and-fifty yen OF change it is". So the NO says to what the 250yen belongs, ie. the category of "change". Hope this helps.


Hajimemashite! Namae wa Wendy desu. Yoroshiku onegaishimasu! Nihongo o benkyou shite imasu. I am going to Tokyo in December so I want to be sure I will be able to speak a decent amount by then. Rocket Japanese has been a great learning resource so far! Dewa mata!


wendy san, watashino namaiwa Rajan desu. Hajimemashta, Watashiwa indojin desu ,anathawa do ko kara kimashita ka? Watashimo planing to visit Japan soon so mata kondo in Japan. Mata ne . sayonara. Rajan from Abudhabi Jikan ga ittara denwa shite kudasai. 00971506254168 ja onegai ishimas. Arigato gozaimasu.


konnichiwa,watashi no namae wa keyatta desu!


みんあーさん!こんにちわ! 私の名前はステイシーです。よろしくお願いしますね!


ステーシさん、お元気ですか? 今、何を読んでいる〜んですか? 僕は「夢十夜」を読んでいます。その本は夏目漱石のことです。なかなか面白いです (^^)/


皆さん、お久しぶり~! 残念なんですけど、東北の状態ので、留学生プログラムは早く帰らなければいけなくなってしまうんです。それで、このサイトに話せるときはも少し多くなるので質問があったら、教えてあげるよ~! 皆頑張ってね! デレク みんなさん、おひさしぶり~! ざんねんなんですけど、とうほくのじょうたいので、りゅうがくせいプログラムははやくかえらなければいけなくなってしまうんです。それで、このサイトにはなせるときはもすこしおおくなるのでしつもんがあったら、おしえてあげるよ~! みんながんばってね! デレク


みなさん、こんにちは。 世界中(せかいじゅう)で地震(じしん)や津波(つなみ)や洪水(こうずい)があっちこっちであり、なんだか怖い(こわい)ですね。皆さん(みなさん)も気(き)をつけて、毎日(まいにち)を大切(たいせつ)に生きましょう(いきましょう)! Minnasan, konnichiwa. Sekai-juu de jishin ya tsunami ya kouzui ga acchi-kocchi de ari, nandaka kowai desu ne. Minasan mo ki o tsukete, mainichi o taisetsu ni ikimashou! Hello everyone. Around the world there has been earthquakes, tsunami's, floodings in many places... it's somewhat frightening. I hope everyone stays safe and live everyday with care. -Sayaka ;)


こんにちは. Watashi no namae wa Keyatta desu. amerika kara ki mashite


こんにちは ケヤッタさん。アメリカのどこに住んでいますか? Konnichiwa Keyatta-san. Amerika no doko ni sunde imasu ka? - Sayaka ;)


みんなさん、お久しぶりです(おひさしぶりです) ! 四(よん)ヶ月(かげつ)に日本語(にほんご)を勉強(べんきょう)しませんでした :(。学校(がっこう)でとても忙しい(いそがしい)にいましたと日本語(にほんご)の時間(じかん)をあるんだったはないけど今(いま)は僕(ぼく)が戻って(もどって)きた:D。 今(いま)ばかり JAMES HEISING の本(ほん)の半分(はんぶん)を読んで(よんで)ことが仕上がった(しあがった)とすごい本(ほん)ですのことが信じます(しんじます)。読んだ(よんだ)後(のち)で、日本語(にほんご)をわかることはもっと楽(らく)ですね。。。やってみろよ! English translation: Hi everyone, long time no see ! I haven't studied Japanese for 4 months :(. I've been really busy with school and haven't had time for Japanese, but I'm back :D. Just now, I've finished reading half of James Heising's book and I believe it's an incredible book. After reading the book, Japanese is easier to understand...go ahead and try it ! EDIT: I think I won't continue with the lessons where I last left and just focus on finishing the 3 volumes made by James Heising and supplement with vocabulary from watching anime or Japanese TV and music. After finishing these books I'll continue the lessons(I'm still at stage 2 of Japanese Premium) but now that summer break is here, I can focus everything on the language :D. Well, that was everything I wanted to say. My main point was to recommend the books as they're really great.


@Codoban Likewise. I haven't even looked at anything new in Japanese for the past 2 months or so. But now my O-levels are over with, I can finally get started again. Your little passage was a great start for my revision :) though I did have to look up a word or two :( I'm only at number 250 or so of Heisig's first volume, but I've found a really interesting way of learning kanji. I'm painstakingly translating a video game, which is voice acted with subtitles, so I can look up words and learn the kanji simultaneously! I have a friend who wants me to do a live translation of the game for him, so I'll probably make up a lot of it but....oh well. I'm gonna take a couple weeks to review all of the premium audio lessons and grammar lessons, and then jump right back into premium plus. Minasan, benkyou tanoshinde kudasai! (I don't have a Japanese input method on this computer) PS: This topic is HUGE!


yes, the first volume has a really great and efficient method of teaching you Kanji. I'm shocked myself that I still remember all of them :). Well, according to my calculations, I'm gonna finish the first 2 volumes by august then I'm gonna finish the premium level in order to start with level 2 (already bought it :D). Good luck to everyone !


Just a couple fixes: 四(よん)ヶ月(かげつ)→4ヶ月間(よかげつかん) 1.When writing from left to write horizontally, it's typical to use the standard 12345... and not the kanji variations of numbers. 2.In most combinations of 4 with counters 4 is read as YO and not YON... 3. When writing furigana this way, it's best not to break it up in the middle of the kanji string 学校でとても忙しいにいました→学校はとても忙しくなりまして、 1. I'm not 100% sure if で would be considered correct or incorrect, but は is what I would have used here. Although I could certainly be wrong so do not take my word for it. (Sayaka Help!) 2. Changing the adjective to adverb form and using a verb is going to be a lot more understandable... Although I'm pretty sure using いる in that context won't make sense... 3. Change to て form to indicate a cause and effect type of pattern と日本語(にほんご)の時間(じかん)をあるんだったはないけど今(いま)は僕(ぼく)が戻って(もどって)きた:D。 →日本語の勉強時間がなかったけど、今は僕が戻って来た。 1. Changing nai form to past tense is going to make more sense. 2. Possible 助詞(じょし)[particle] improper use, the を in this case makes it sound like 時間 was creating it's own existence... 今(いま)ばかり JAMES HEISING の本(ほん)の半分(はんぶん)を読んで(よんで)ことが仕上がった(しあがった)とすごい本(ほん)ですのことが信じます(しんじます)。 →今ばかりJames Heisingの本を半分読んで仕上がって、凄い本と信じます。 1. Placement of 半分 was a bit weird, and I'm not 100% sure if my new placement is correct either... (Sayaka help!) 2. Use て form to connect verbs like this. 3. You can use 信じる to indicate your beliefs without って思う 読んだ(よんだ)後(のち)で、日本語(にほんご)をわかることはもっと楽(らく)ですね。。。やってみろよ! →読んだ後、日本語が分かるさもっと楽になったね・・・やってみろ! 1. 後 is read あと in this scenario 2. で is correct, but not necessary 3. Not entirely sure what you meant by the second half, but gave it my best attempt... 4. さ can be used to denote "how much" of something or the -ness of something... like if I want to denote how much I like Japanese 日本語が好きさ・・・ 5. です in this scenario kinda works, but になった made more sense to me 6. Not sure if that is a command or if it's the volitional form (aka I forget if that conjugation says "let's try it" or "TRY IT!!!") 頑張って!!! デレク


Wow, nice explanations, thanks ! But wow, I really did forget a bunch on how to speak correctly :(. I don't know what to say about the 半分 too, I also had my doubts when placing it.. For the last tip, with yatte miro yo, well, I wanted it to sound like a command :D. About using the さ, that's really new to me :D, thanks for the tip. Well, using your tips, I'm going to try and do it better next time :) Thanks a lot !


I just realized a typo... なりまして should be なって なりまして is not the て form of なる... Well, the problem with imperative form is it makes it sound like you're holding them at gunpoint telling them to try it out...


@コッド 私(わたし)も。2ヶ月(っかげつ)前(まえ)から、試験(しけん)のものはしますので、日本語(にほんご)の事(こと)が何でも(なんでも)練習(れんしゅう)しません。今(いま)、日本語(にほんご)のテレビーゲムをしました、すべての文(ぶん)を訳します(やくします)けど、しにくいです! 先週(せんしゅう)は、「コートギアス」と言う(いう)アニメを見ました(みました)。構想(こうそう)はとても面白かった〜ん(おもしろかった〜ん)ですが、そのアニメの終わり(おわり)が悲しい(かなしい)ですよ。実(じつ)は、意味不明(いみふめい)な終わり(おわり)です。 「jisho.org」は便利(べんり)なサイトですよね?デルクさんはかこのポストで述べリました(のべりました)ね?


では、そのアニメを見たくない。 僕のお気に入りアニメのいくつかのがあります(they are still on-going...don't know how to say that): ーFairy Tail ーC the money of soul and possibility control ーSteins;Gate ーあの日見た花の名前を僕たちはまだ知らない ー青のExorcist ーDeadman Wonderland ー神のみぞ知るセカイ (1 と 2) Well, I definitely recommend them :), but it's up to you whether you watch them or not :D PS: そのサイトが好きじゃない(すきじゃない)けど、僕(ぼく)の意見(いけん)だけだ。。。


@コッド 「Fairy Tail」は聞いたことがあるので、多分、そのアニメを見ます。 でも、どうしてそのサイト好きじゃない? それでは、好きなインターネトの辞書は何ですか?


「Fairy Tail」と「C the money of soul and possibility control」がとてもすごい! どうしてそのサイトを好きじゃないのことがわからないけど、僕はちょうどそれを好きではない。。。そのサイトの構造ですから、多分。 今のところ、好きなインターネットの辞書がありませんが、いろんなサイトが使います。。。 (more on the point, I mainly use google :D)


Hajimemashite...\nWatashi no namae Key desu. I'm 12 years old. I love to learn almost every language in the world. Especially Japanese, Korean, and French. But, I think I need a BIG help in Japanese. I can answer the Quiz in My Course, but I can't use Japanese in daily conversation. Anyone who want to be my teacher, you can contact me at [redacted]. Arigatou...


あいうえお かきくけこ さしすせそ たちつてと なにぬねの はひふへほ まみむめも や_ゆ_よ らりるれろ わ___を ん アイウエオ カキクケコ サシスセソ タチツテト ナニヌネノ ハヒフヘホ マミムメモ ヤ_ユ_ヨ ラリルレロ ワ___ヲ ン Probably a good idea to learn the above character symbols.


konnichiwa mina


Konnichiwa. Boku no namae wa Claudiu desuga, "Coddo" de yobi kudasai. Shumi ga shashin o toru to programming. Nihon no subete koto ga suki desukara, nihongo o benkyou shite iru, soushite nihon ni sumitai to daigaku o shitai. Jya, yoroshiku ne mary-san !


Konnichiwa minna-san. Watashi wa anime ga daisuki desu =D Visual-kei mo daisuki desu =D Coddo-san, watashi mo nihon no koto daisuki desu. Banzai! =D Yoroshiku na! [if there's any mistake in my dialog,plz correct me T_T srry] Nihongo wa totemo daisuki desu =)


Hi SilverIceさん、 PCでひらがなが書けますか? You should practise writing in hiragana so you can familiarize yourself with the ひらがな and カタカナ. Just some minor mistakes: こんにちは みなさん。 私はアニメが大好きです。ヴィジュアルーケイも大好きです。 ゴットさん、 私も日本のことが好きです。(particle が missing) ばんざい! よろしくね。(ne) 日本語はとても大好きです。->日本語がとても大好きです。 When using 好きです, you usually use the particle が。 これからも頑張ってください!


Ohayou gozaimasu


Genki desu. Amerika kara ki mashita. Anata wa?

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