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Forum Flash Cards by Lesson

Flash Cards by Lesson



Hello, It would be great to have the option to have flash cards by lesson so that I can take my vocabulary (and characters) on the go. Is this an option that you have/might consider(ed)? In any case, providing a medium for us to share flash cards would also be helpful for some friendly user generated content. I am producing flash cards for each lesson that I go through in CSV format, and could share if that were allowed. Thanks, Cody


That's a good idea. They could probably add something like that to the mobile app that they just released.


Hi Cody, Thanks for your feedback - that sounds like a great idea! I'll pass it on to the Development Team to see what they think.


I agree with the flash card comment. Now if I am unable to take my laptop I try and write out index cards to review. Repeat and review.


I've been using Anki ( as my flashcard system. It's working really well. It supports shared flashcard decks here ( Maybe decks for each level could be posted publicly?


BYKI has a really good application for flashcards. It works on iPhone, don't know about android, as well as on the computer.


how can I get for my iphone? and is it free?


good idea!!


Another good flashcard site is Quizlet. There are already a number of Spanish flashcard sets there (including one on the verbs from the Rocket Spanish lessons that I have completed so far) that you can use, and you can make your own sets. It has a mobile app as well as the desktop/laptop site.


Flash cards are indeed very useful.


I second the suggestion for using Quizlet. It's a great way to practice and very customizable and user friendly. :)


I use quizlet and is a great way to practice.


I recently discovered Quizlet and finally decided to create an account. It is RobertC7 and you can find my sets for Chinese there. In addition to providing flash cards, they also provide some games and exercises to help learn.


Hola! It would be nice to have the flash cards built into the vocabulary tab so each day you can practice the words you have selected and remove them when you think you have them memorized. Muchas Gracias!


Hi Don - That's a good idea. I will get it added to the wish-list for upcoming improvements.



quizlet is the best for me


Quizlet is really useful for drilling vocabulary. In addition to providing a flash card system, they also allow you to generate quizzes from your list. Also included are several games that are based on the vocabulary list. I have suggested that Rocket Languages add a "lesson vocabulary" section to identify new and perhaps obscure vocabulary and patterns that appear in that lesson. Then, add testing tools that drill on that vocabulary, or even games.


I heartily second your recommendation of Quizlet. Awhile back I came to the realization of how verbs are really the heart of the Spanish language and decided that I really needed to concentrate on learning them. So I went back to the beginning of Rocket Spanish and began a set of verbs that are encountered in each lesson. As I work through a new lesson I look for verbs...and sometimes nouns that are of verb origin...and add them to the set. Part of my daily practice now is to run through the "cards". Sometimes I do this as a dedicated activity, other times while I am doing something else like driving (I start the program, put the audio on, and DO NOT look at the screen while driving!) I also pick an -ar -er and -ir verb at random from my set each day and conjugate it using the tenses I have learned so far. I think that at some point this practice will help me select the right verb and conjugation without having to think about it during a conversation. My username on Quizlet is exbombero, and anyone is invited to use my set.


Thanks Dan


A great idea


Besides the above suggestions, the flashcard system should allow reversing the language for listening and training. For example, Japanese to English as well as English to Japanese for the same verbs. It will even be better if the system is capable of playing the contents at regular intervals for sleep learning.


One easy way to make up flash cards is to grab pictures of words and print them out, cut them up and use them in that way. But, if you are advanced enough in the language you are studying, I would recommend not to use your mother language on the other side of the studied language, but instead draw a picture. A foreign language is obtained much more quickly if we stop translating as soon as possible.


I whole-heartedly agree..   I know this is an older thread, but I've been making my own flash cards on index cards to carry with me.. and would LOVE if Rocket would include this function with the lessons. Would be a very helpful, and much appreciated addition.


Hi Crystal - It's coming! We hope to have Flashcards sorted for the 2016 Edition release, which will be before the end of the year.


I would love to create a personal flash card list so that whenever I go through lesson Flash Cards I can mark the ones with which I have difficulty and drill myself specially on those.  I would need to be able to add and delete flash cards easily from my personal Flash Card Pack.


As one who has in the past voiced some criticism particularly with the voice recognition feature (I'm over that now and have moved on) I would like to say I really like the flash card feature.  It's an effective way of reviewing and reinforcing learning for me and it's something you can do in quick bursts of 15 or 20 minutes.

To Sandy's point, yes it would be nice to review the ones you've missed.  The ability to do that is almost there.  You can score the ones you missed as 'poor' for example and then go back and visually  view that list.  However, you can't selectively flip through a list of scored items.  That would be very nice and would, I think meet Sandy's requirements.  For example, instead of resetting and repeating all items one could selectively repeat items based on scoring category.


I agreed with Byron-K21. When I have words and phrases that I had to think  to get it out of my head I marked it as poor even though I got them correctly after thinking. Then I go back the next day or time when I use the FlashCard they will show up just like Byron-K21 said. I keep doing that until I'm very confident that I can say it without thinking. I don't know what my long term memory is yet. I might have to go back again after I finished Module 1 and do the final test. 


I had a thought today: I wonder if the system could be set up to give the option of getting the "question" side of the flash card randomly in the users native and target languages? For example in my case,  the option would randomly give me some cards in English that i answer in Spanish, others in Spanish that I answer in English. Sort of mixing in the Hear it/Say it and Know it tests in one set of flash cards. Seems like this would be a good mental exercise of on the fly translating native language into target language and vice versa.


Love Dan's idea.  I'll second it.

How do I register for quizlet?  Is there a set of French cards on it, or do I have to add my own?


On Quizlet you just have to create an account with a username and password. There is no charge. Once there you can begin making your own sets of cards, and/or you can search for sets that other users have made. 

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