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French cooking class



Next year I will spend a week in Paris and two weeks in Vence and would like to do a one day cooking class. Has anyone done this?


Hi Lorraine, my mom's done a 'pâtisserie' cooking class and really loved it. She got to bring home some of the pastries she made. Have you already found what you are after? in French / English?


No not yet. Where did your mom do the course?


Salut Marie-Claire, All this talk of food reminds me of an experience we had in Paris(2008). I remember we walked along Haussman Boulevard to the end. We decided to have dinner at a little Restaurant at the end of the road. Our delicious meal arrived closely followed by the Chef? Would you believe the Chef proceeded to fillet the fish at our table? He was so gracious and kind and it was such an enjoyable meal, one of our favorite memories! You have a great Team at Rocket should all give yourself a pat on the back! By the way I have a Frenchman in my ancestry a couple of generations ago (Bayonne) Bye for now J'mapelle Beverley


Bonjour à tous!

I'm very sorry for the late reply, I had to take some time off for a little bit. Bah, écoutez I am very glad that you had such a special experience in Paris, especially because Parisians have a reputation for not being the most gracious of hosts. Keep sharing stories like these, for these stories are often all you need in a day to get you back in a study mood.

Keep up the good work et bon courage comme d'hab!

   -   Marie-Claire

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