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Forum Rocket Italian Italian Grammar Lesson 1.5 Rocket Premium - Language - Stare v Essere

Lesson 1.5 Rocket Premium - Language - Stare v Essere



Hi Maria I have two questions similar to those of Michelino dated 20 August 2010 and 9 September 2010 (sto and sono)that don't appear to have been resolved. Question1: Lesson 1.5 refers to 'stare' being used for permanent characteristics and 'essere' for more temporary situations however the examples given in the lesson include 'sto bene'. As 'bene' seems to be a temporary situation in the same way as 'stanca', could you explain please why stare is used and not essere. Question 2: In your reply to Michelino, you refer to 'sono in cucina' however lesson 1.5 refers to stare being used for location. Could you explain please why essere is used and not stare. Many thanks


Hi Sue, I am no expert at these verbs at all, but it was explained to me that "stare" is for feelings. feeling good or bad. Sto bene or sto male. (I feel) I am wonderful = sto meravigliosamente. But "essere" is being in a state...... state of anger, tired, sadness..... sono arrabbiata, sono stanca e sono triste. I hope this helps you a little Fran


Hi Fran, Thanks a lot that is very helpful - learned some new vocab too! Sue


Ciao Sue I know there is more to the verb "stare" as it's also "to stay" but I guess things will come to us eventually. We're assured it gets easier, I'm depending on that. :-) Sono dall'australia, e tu, di dove sei? Fran.


Ciao a tutti, questi due verbi creano sempre un po' di confusione. The verb "stare" is used : -to indicate feelings. Example: Io sto bene (I'm well) Io sto male -asking about 'how are you?' . Unlike in English countries, when in Italy you ask "come stai?" it means that you are interested to know how the person feels mentally and phisycally. The verb 'essere" is used -to indicate feelings.Example: Io sono triste (I'm sad) Io sono malato (I'm sick) -as the verb "to be ". Example: Io sono al bar (I'm at the bar) I hope this helps Ciao


Ciao Maria, Mille grazie, Ho capito Sue


Ciao Fran, Sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you. Thanks for your reply. Sono inglese, dall'Ighilterra. Siete stato là? Dove in Australia? Sue


Ciao Sue, ecco la correzione del tuo messaggio: Ciao Fran, Sono inglese (or vengo dall' Inghilterra) Sei mai stata qua? (have you ever been here?) Dove vivi in Australia? (where do you live in Australia?) Sue.


Hey sue, I,m currently in Rome, just finished 2 weeks in Sicily, it is absolutely beautiful, everyone should visit!! I have had these 3 weeks communicating with family, I have been amazed at just how much Italian I have taken in these past few months, my only problem was my pronunciation, it gave my family a laugh. But when I return home I'm starting again. Sue I have never been to England but would sure love to. My husband and I are talking about it for next time we visit Sicily. I live in Tasmania, Australia, a state most beautiful but least visited. Venice domani, buona notte. Fran


Hi Fran, Thanks for the reply - how lovely to live in Tasmania. As you can see from Maria's corrections, I have a lot to learn. Sounds like you've had a great time - we hope to visit Sicily one day as have heard how beautiful it is. We're off to Rome in a few weeks then visiting Tuscany an a region called Le Marches which we haven't been to before and I believe, not as commercialised as Tuscany, so I'm hoping to learn some Italian there. Enjoy the rest of your trip and we will hopefully stay in touch - but I will try a few words in Italian next time. Buona notte. Sue


Ciao Maria Mille grazie per la correzione del mio messaggio. Sue


Ciao Sue e Fran, per favore potreste scrivere i vostri messaggi in italiano? E' un ottimo esercizio :) Sue, le Marche sono bellissime e decisamente molto meno turistiche della Toscana. Un'altra bella regione e' l'Umbria. Ci sono dei posti bellissimi e si mangia benissimo. Ciao a tutti ! :)


Ciao Maria. So I was trying to find a link about the difference between the verbs Essere and. Stare. I found the above conversation and I am still confused about when to use essere and when to use stare. In your reply, you said essere is used to indicate feelings and stare is used for the same thing. So how do you know which one to use? Grazie


Ciao Dawn, you will use the verb "essere" in sentences as: - io sono stanco = I'm tired - io sono malato = I'm sick - io sono innamorato = I'm in love but you will use "stare" in sentences like: - io sto male =I don't feel good (literlly "I feel bad") - io sto bene = I feel good I hope this helps. Ciao


What determines if you should say "ora" for the English "now" or if you should say "adesso" ?


hi Chuck, you can use both. They are interchangeable. Ciao




Please forgive my ignorance here, this has puzzled me I can't quite figure out how I'm missing this. I see reference to the verb "essere" and to the verb "stare" but in all examples I never see either of those words in them ? Does that make sense ? This example below talks of using the verb essere but in each example I don't see the word essere. I'm sure there is a simple explanation that will make me feel embarrassed, but I can't figure it out myself. Traveling to Italy in October to speak at a conference in Bari and would love to have a functional hold on the language by then, also awaiting my Italian Citizenship which I applied for earlier this year after 2 1/2 years of research and paperwork, so I'm very eager to learn. Help me get this one please. Thank you. you will use the verb "essere" in sentences as: - io sono stanco = I'm tired - io sono malato = I'm sick - io sono innamorato = I'm in love So where is the "essere" ?


ciao Mike, how exciting!!! You are coming to Italy and you are almost Italin Citizen!!!! Don't be embarassed, I'm very happy to receive all the posts from the student. When I wrote in "you will use the verb "essere" in sentences as", I meant the verb "essere" conjugated to the different pronouns. Example : I'm = Io sono you are = tu sei he is - lui e' etc... I hope this helps. ciao

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