Watashi no vs. Watashi mo



Hajime Mashite! I just began studying Japanese a few days and I have a question. I am on Lesson 1.1 and noticed a difference between two phrases: 'Watashi *no*' in "Watashi mo genki desu, arigatō." (Lesson 1.0) and 'Watashi *mo*' in "Watashi no namae wa Kenī desu, anata wa?" (Lesson 1.1) What is the difference between the no and the mo? What exactly does Watashi mean? Thank you! - Otis


Konnichiwa Otis-san, Excellent question Otis-san. First, *'Watashi'* is used for both _"I"_ and _"me"_ by adult speakers of both sexes. *'Watashi __no__'* translates as _"my/mine"_. *'Watashi __mo__'* translates as _"me too"_. Now lets take close look at the two connecting particles, *no* and *mo*. :idea: __*の* *(no)* _"apostrophe 's"___ When the particle *の* *(no)* is placed between two nouns, it makes the first noun into a modifier of the second. When the first noun is a personal name or a noun referring to a person, such as *Watashi*, it generally describes the following noun (item) as belonging to that person - indicating POSSESSION. For example, *Watashi __no__ ie desu.* = Literally translates as _"I - 's - house - is."_ Meaning _"It is my house."_ The noun + *no* combination shows POSSESSION. :idea: __*も* *(mo)* _"also"___ *も* *(mo)* marks something as being in addition to something else. Thus, *も* *(mo)* indicates that the noun it follows is connected in some way in addition to something or someone else that has been previously mentioned in the given context. *_[A specified item or person] + も = [A specified item or person] too / also / as well_* Suppose your colleagues are planning on attending a business conference, you think you will join them, and politely say... 私も行きます。 *Watashi mo ikimasu.* _"I will go too."_ So think of *も* *(mo)* as the INCLUDER, and *の* *(no)* as POSSESSOR. I hope this has cleared up some questions! :P - Sayaka


Arigatō Sayaka-san! That does make sense, thank you for the quick response! :D


You are very welcome Otis-san! :P

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