Rocket Record



How do I get rocket record


All lessons have a blue button you press to hear the word or sentence. After you press it you will see two more buttons: a blue button to press to hear it again and a red button you can press to record. Press the red button to do a rocket record. Hopefully that answers your question.


To expand a bit more on Robert's explanation, once you press the blue button and the sentence or phrase is spoken by Mauricio or Amy or whomever, a graph is created. When you speak the phrase a graph of your voice is created. You are supposed to be able to see how well you spoke the phrase by comparing the graphs. This is of dubious value to me, but if nothing else it is a reminder to repeat each phrase audibly. I think this is a very important part of learning the language, along with reading and hearing the phrases, and most importantly to me, writing each one down longhand while saying and thinking about each word.


If it's not showing up properly or if it doesn't seem to be working, try updating Adobe Flash.

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