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     In all the lessons the letter or word  [a] is aways translated as salad ,is this an error or correct translation.


Larry: I am confused by your question. The letter a when used alone usually means to or at.

Voy A mi restaurante favorito para almuerzo.
I am going TO my favorite restaurant for lunch.

Estoy sentado A la mesa.
I am sitting AT the table.

If I have missed the point of your question please rephrase and I (or more likely someone more advanced) will give you the right answer.


Dan sorry for not being more specific.  The letter [a] on my computer in the spanish lessons are always underlined and when you put the cursor on the letter it always translates it as salad.  Yes i understood it to mean [to]  thats why i was confused.  THANKS
Ava Dawn

Ava Dawn

Maybe the a is pronounced as short a like in salad. Just guessing.

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