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Italian Words

It's easy to learn Italian words with these free Italian audio lessons. The Rocket Italian team has created an online list of common Italian words to help you survive in a Italian-speaking environment.

We’ve included the English translation, audio for Italian pronunciation, and helpful cultural tips along the way!

Common Italian Words

lo Zingarelli, one of the biggest and most renowned dictionaries of the Italian language contains about 145,000 words and over 380,000 definitions. Do you need to know them all? Of course not. Don’t waste your time learning words and phrases that you'll never use.

The experts say that you only need a vocabulary of the 300 most common Italian words to be able to communicate well in Italian. Why not check them out today?

Italian Swear Words

Some swear words are commonly used in Italy, mainly among the younger generation. Italian swear words are not just used to express displeasure, but also to convey happiness, excitement or even sadness.

Important: If you are easily offended then please do not go to this lesson. We have included it because it is a significant part of the Italian language that you are likely to come across.

Italian Travel Words (coming soon)

Knowing these Italian travel words will make your stay in France much more comfortable and enjoyable!

After this lesson you'll be able to ask for what you need in Italian, find your way around a hotel, and share any concerns you have with the hotel staff. Get started today!

Pronouncing Basic Italian Words

This lesson covers tons of basic Italian words that will be essential to your trip around Italy! Practice your pronunciation with our voice recognition tool and impress everyone with your ability to speak Italian!

Know your Italian airplane words

How do you say boarding pass and passport in Italian? What’s the Italian word for luggage? You’ll learn these important words and more. We’ll also show you how to get someone’s attention politely, and ask for what you need in Italian.

I hope you find these free language lessons on Italian words helpful.

A presto!

Maria DiLorenzi and the Rocket Italian Team