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Spanish Irregular Future Tense

The irregular future tense in Spanish indicates an action that has not been done yet; or put in other words, an action that will take place after the moment in which they are being spoken. It can also express probability or uncertainty. It is also known as the Simple Future.

Now, when using this Irregular Future with Irregular verbs, this can be a bit confusing. The irregularities in the future tense are a bit difficult to predict.

Resources for further reading:

You will be happy to know that ser and estar, which are irregular in almost every other tense, are completely regular in the future. It’s the following that you have to look out for:

Subject pronoun Irregular –ER verbs Irregular –IR verbs
SABER - to know PONER to put VENIR - to come SALIR - to leave, go out
Yo sabré pondré vendré saldré
sabrás pondrás vendrás saldrás
Ud., él, ella, sabrá pondrá vendrá saldrá
nosotros/as sabremos pondremos vendremos saldremos
vosotros/as sabréis pondréis vendréis saldréis
Uds., ellos, ellas sabrán pondrán vendrán saldrán

How to pronounce the Spanish Irregular Future Tense

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Saldremos muy temprano, con toda probabilidad.

We'll leave very early, in all likelihood.

No te preocupes. Vendré pronto.

Don't worry. I'll come back soon.

Ahora mismo lo sabrás.

Now you will know.

You will notice that the irregular –er verbs drop the –e from the infinitive ending, while the irregular –ir verbs replace the –i with an –r.

Other common verbs that follow this irregularity are:

  • poder: podré, podrás, podrá, podremos, podréis, podrán
  • querer: querré, querrás, querrá, querremos, querréis, querrán
  • tener: tendré, tendrás, tendrá, tendremos, tendréis, tendrán
  • valer: valdré, valdrás, valdrá, valdremos, valdréis, valdrán

There are two verbs that have an even stranger stem change in the future tense. You will simply have to memorize these.

Pronoun HACER - to make, to do DECIR - to say, to tell
Yo haré diré
harás dirás
Ud., él, ella, hará dirá
nosotros/as haremos diremos
vosotros/as haréis diréis
Uds., ellos, ellas harán dirán

Los sabrás cuando te lo diga.

You will know it when I tell you.

Tendremos que hacer algo para el cumpleaños de Manuel.

We will have to do something for Manuel's birthday.

Ustedes harán toda su tarea para el viernes, ¿no?

You will do all your homework by Friday, right?

¿Vendrán ustedes a nuestra fiesta?

Will you come to our party?

Me pondré ropa limpia más tarde.

I will put on clean clothes later.

Want to learn more about Spanish Tenses? Take a look at these lessons:

See you soon! ¡Hasta pronto!

Mauricio Evlampieff: Rocket Spanish

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