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Hobbies in Portuguese

What’s your favorite thing to do? How do you say that in Portuguese? After this free audio lesson you’ll know how to talk about hobbies in Portuguese. Whether it’s cooking, traveling, listening to music or reading, you’ll learn how to explain what you enjoy doing in your free time.

Talking about shared interests is a great way to establish common ground. Being able to talk about yourself and ask about others in Portuguese will help you make friends - and make the conversation more interesting!

Resources for further reading:

Pronouncing hobbies in Portuguese

Let's get started...

Practice Your Pronunciation With Rocket Record

Rocket Record lets you perfect your Portuguese pronunciation. Just listen to the native speaker audio and then use the microphone icon to record yourself. Once you’re done, you’ll get a score out of 100 on your pronunciation and can listen to your own audio playback. (Use a headset mic for best results.) Problems? Click here!

Meu hobbie favorito é…

My favorite hobbie is…

O que você mais gosta de fazer?

What do you like doing best?

Nas horas vagas

The free time

Eu gosto de…

I'm a fan of…

Quais são os seus hobbies?

What are your hobbies?

O que você gosta de fazer nas suas horas vagas?

What do you like to do in your free time?

So, tell me O que você gosta de fazer nas suas horas vagas?

Eu gosto de cantar

I like singing

Gosto de encontrar com os amigos

I like meeting friends

Gosto de viajar

I like traveling

Gosto de tocar (música)

I like playing music

Gosto de ficar na internet

I like surfing the net

Gosto de ver filmes

I like watching movies

Gosto de pescar

I like fishing

Gosto de nadar

I like swimming

Gosto de correr

I like running

Gosto de ler

I like reading

Gosto de escutar música

I like listening to music

Gosto de jogar basquete

I like playing basketball

Gosto de jogar futebol

I like playing football

Gosto de cozinhar

I like cooking

Gosto de tirar fotografias

I like taking photographs

Here are some more useful expressions…

Gosto de mergulhar

I like diving

Gosto de fazer mergulho

I like scuba diving

Gosto de sair para comer

I like eating out

Gosto de ir ao cinema

I like going to the cinema

Gosto de ir ao teatro

I like going to the theater

Gosto de caminhar

I like walking

Gosto de fazer caminhada

I like hiking

Gosto de dançar

I like dancing

Gosto de pintar

I like to paint

Gosto de cuidar do jardim

I like gardening

Gosto de pedalar

I like biking

Gosto de ir pra balada

I like night clubbing

That’s it for this lesson. See you next time for another lesson packed full of great Portuguese vocabulary!

Here are a few recommended Portuguese lessons to try next!

Até breve!

Tereza Pereira: Rocket Portuguese

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