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Shopping in Portuguese

Here’s the ultimate shopping in Portuguese lesson for beginners! Practice speaking these essential phrases aloud by following the pronunciation on the audio. You’ll learn to ask "How much" and 'Where is' in Portuguese. You’ll also learn the Portuguese words for shops, clothes, sizes, and more. Shopping in Brazil will never be the same again!

You'll be a master of shopping in Portuguese after this lesson!

Resources for further reading:

Talking about Shopping in Portuguese

Here are some basic Portuguese phrases to get you warmed up:

Practice Your Pronunciation With Rocket Record

Rocket Record lets you perfect your Portuguese pronunciation. Just listen to the native speaker audio and then use the microphone icon to record yourself. Once you’re done, you’ll get a score out of 100 on your pronunciation and can listen to your own audio playback. (Use a headset mic for best results.) Problems? Click here!

Final de promoção

The end of season sale



Uma pechincha

A bargain

Onde fica…… ?

Where is……?

Onde fica o departamento feminino?

Where is the women's department?

Onde fica o caixa?

Where is the check out?

Estou procurando…

I am looking for…..

Shops in Portuguese

Os correios

The post office

O shopping

The shopping center

O mercado

The market

O supermercado

The supermarket

A farmácia

The pharmacy

A livraria

The bookstore

A loja

The store

A padaria

The bakery

A confeitaria

The pastry shop

A loja de música

The music store

A loja de roupas

The clothing store

A loja de ferramentas

The hardware store

O açougue

The butcher

A ótica

The optician

Portuguese signs

Senhoras / Mulheres












Horário de serviço

Opening hours

Proibido estacionar

No parking

área para fumantes

The smoking area

área para não-fumantes

The non- smoking area

Proibido fumar!

No smoking!

When you buy food in a supermarket and don’t intend to eat it straight away it might pay to check the "best before date" to avoid nasty surprises…

Melhor consumir antes da data

The best before date

Consumir antes de

Best before

Once you’ve found the right shop, you need to find what you’re looking for. Use the following words and phrases to find what you need, figure out how much it costs and tell the sales assistant how many you want…

Você tem…

Do you have...

Quanto custa?

How much does it cost?

Você tem mais deste?

Do you have more of this?

Qual é o tamanho?

Which size is that?

Gostaria de experimentar

I'd like to try it on

Onde fica o provador?

Where are the changing rooms?

Vou levar

I'll take it

Here are some more useful questions and answers…

Que tamanho você veste?

What size do you wear?


The size

Tamanho pequeno

A small size

Tamanho médio

A medium size

Tamanho grande

A large size

Tamanho extra-grande

An extra large size

Eu gosto

I like it

Fica bom

It looks good

Fica bem em você

It suits you

Não fica bem em você

It doesn't suit you

Paying in Portuguese

Por favor, pague no caixa

Please pay at the check out

Gostaria de pagar com cartão de crédito

I'd like to pay by credit card

Gostaria de pagar em dinheiro, por favor.

I'd like to pay with cash, please

Gostaria de pagar com meu cartão de débito, por favor.

I'd like to pay with my debit card, please

Posso pagar com cheques de viagem?

Can I pay with travelers checks?

Qual é o número do seu cartão de crédito?

What is your credit card number?

Não aceitamos cartão de crédito

We don't accept credit cards

Onde fica o caixa rápido mais próximo?

Where is the closest ATM?

Por favor, digite sua senha

Please type in your PIN

Por favor, assine aqui

Please sign here

Aqui está o seu recibo

Here is your receipt

And when out shopping, you will need to know how to talk about prices and to say you'd like to take your time!

Estou apenas olhando!

I am just looking!

Eu volto!

I will come back!

É muito caro!

It's too expensive!

É quanto?

It's how much?

That’s it for today’s lesson. Now, you are well prepared for your next shopping experience.

Why not check out some more lessons on Portuguese phrases next?

Até breve!

Tereza Pereira: Rocket Portuguese

Make It Stick With Rocket Reinforcement

Reinforce your learning from this lesson with the Rocket Reinforcement activities!