Find out what actual users have to say about our courses through their Rocket Languages reviews.
Rocket Spanish Rocks! :o)
A great language learning course. I am using the audio component as a foundation. Afterwards supplementing it with Michel Thomas Spanish.
My aim is to complete two beginner Spanish packages. Whilst simultaneously living in a Spanish speaking country.
I find the content of each lesson is very practical and not too overwhelming. I enjoy being able to re-listen as many times as I like and to compare my voice to a native speaker. I also like the fact that the Chinese script is included every time. The cultural tips are incredibly useful and interesting. The writing section is great where you can watch every stroke being written. It includes all aspects needed to learn a language. Thank you Rocket Languages!
I"ve been trying for some time now to learn Hindi: reading books and trying to engage friends who are Hindi speakers in conversation. It has been so difficult! Its not just pronunciation that is difficult but learning & remembering completely new words and grammar is tough. This program has plenty of variety and being able to come back again & again to the lessons means I can work at my own pace. There is very little useful out there for learning Hindi, it all seems to be focused on languages such as Spanish or French. So good so far!
An awesome part of this language program is the ability to hear the French speaker, record yourself speaking French and hearing both simultaneously. Also like the mp3 ability to record lessons on my cell phone and take my lessons with me.
Rocket Japanese makes it easy and simple to learn and lessons are laid out in a sensible order to reinforce learning through various tools and reviewing techniques.
In addition the audio tracks are lively with a somewhat cheesy humour which i thought made it more of a fun experience :)
I am chinese and i always wanted to learn chinese all my life. I speak chinese at home with my family. They love this new website that my parents found. I'm learning a lot from this website. Thanks a lot to the founders.!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well hello rocket languages is so cool because it is now teaching me some important knowledge in French also after learning French l want to learn German on this website after learning German l learned already 4 languages then l would learn all the languages
I think this method is very useful to me because any time you like you can use this site even in another country. Even if you have no time to learn as you are so busy , you can find this rocket spanish leads you to memorise the important phrase in your bed.
Rocket Italian has been a fantastic help to me learning Italiano. I still consider myself a novice speaker but much less of a novice than I was at the start. The interactive audio is a great way to practise the language because you feel you are participating. This makes the learning feel more empowering for me. I love the part at the end of the interactive conversations where you can test your learning. The three types of testing really help to cement the language for me. Another part I love is the question section in the Rocket Italian package. I have learned a lot from reading questions and answers. I like the flexible nature of the package; you can dip in to any part of it at any time because you don't have to work through it in serial style.