Rocket Languages Reviews

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5095 Customer Reviews

5 Stars

78.7% (4012)

4 Stars

14.0% (715)

3 Stars

3.9% (201)

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1.4% (73)

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1.8% (94)

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Alexander Voronetsky

Alexander Voronetsky

Rocket Spanish
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This is the core of the software and how you learn. With over 65 audio lessons it's really the backbone of it. This is the section of the site you will be in the majority of your time. Basically, you are given a dialogue between two or three people and you are supposed to listen to it and read along out loud. I actually really like how they do this vs Rosetta Stone or other programs because it gets you speaking the language really quick. It also gives you words in their context which shows how they are used and where they are put in a sentence.

After you have listened to the dialogue a couple times, you are then supposed to practice using the “Rocket Record” function. You simply record yourself and compare it with the native speakers accent. You are also given the ability to role play in the dialogue — meaning one person in the audio is taken out and you speak those parts instead.

Kimberly Miller

Kimberly Miller


Rocket Sign Language
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I am thoroughly enjoying yet another way to learn ASL. This has been a help and encouragement to me to get motivated to use sign in my daily life. It has also given me hope in using sign as a career.

Oriana Halevy

Oriana Halevy

United States

Rocket Hindi
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Awesome! This is the best Hindi course I've used! I am extremely satisfied with my progress. The hear it say it, know it, and quiz really help me retain the material, as do the interactive audio lessons. Great product.

stone lai

Stone Lai


Rocket Japanese
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I am chinese and i always wanted to learn chinese all my life. I speak chinese at home with my family. They love this new website that my parents found. I'm learning a lot from this website. Thanks a lot to the founders.!!!!!!!!!!!!


Deborah Greenacre


Rocket French
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Rocket French has greatly helped me with the correct pronunciation and feeling more at ease using French in everyday situations. I feel I can now move on to learning more and more with confidence. Thank you.

don lai

Don Lai


Rocket French
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Well hello rocket languages is so cool because it is now teaching me some important knowledge in French also after learning French l want to learn German on this website after learning German l learned already 4 languages then l would learn all the languages

stiles lai

Stiles Lai

eagle mountain city

Rocket German
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We don't have to go to find a teacher. Its on your computer. Also you can record yourself and see if you did what it was suppose to say at the same time. There are two people, 1 for German and second one is for pronouncing what word it was or sentence it was.

Annette Harrison

Annette Harrison


Rocket French
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It's a wonderful multi-sensory language program. The audio program is "superbe'. MERCI. I believe it's the best feedback a language learner can have. My oral language skills have improved, as a result. I am more confidant in my speaking ability. Other aspects of the program are equally good. I definitely recommend this program, no matter one's language level.

Elaine Koyama

Elaine Koyama

United States

Rocket German
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I have the online product--wish I could get printouts of the materials, or of basic grammar..maybe I can and I just don't know how. Great for listening in the car. I learned a lot! I want to move on to other languages. The greatest benefit is hearing the language and getting the ear for it and repeating the words and sentences. It is true, you have to speak out loud to benefit the most.

Hazzell Mejia

Hazzell Mejia


Rocket French
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Rocket language is simply the best online site to learn any language. I have had the best experience with my english french course and now my brothers are learning english as well. I really miss that tool in which you could record your own pronunciation and compare it with the original one. I though that was really useful. Other than that I think is perfect, I love the way they improve the interface, the content presentation and testing methods continuously. I would recommend it anytime. Best value!