Rocket Languages Reviews

Find out what actual users have to say about our courses through their Rocket Languages reviews.

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4968 Customer Reviews

5 Stars

76.5% (3802)

4 Stars

15.3% (762)

3 Stars

4.9% (245)

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2.1% (105)

1 Star

1.1% (54)

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Jeff Reese

Jeff Reese

United States

Rocket French
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So much potential….but the play buttons in the app work sporadically. Records just fine and voice recognition is great. But I Have to reboot my iPad Air quite often to clear the issue. Note that The coin is flipped on the web site - which I tried hoping to address the play buttons in the app not working. Well - the play buttons work fine on the web site - but the voice record says “having trouble” on every single item. And I am, per the instructions, using safari and the red microphone is on (not crossed out or greyed out). As such - this tool can’t really be used. Will try tomorrow - maybe a server issue. Ready to request full refund if issue(s) persist. Exasperating experience. May resort to old fashioned Pimsleur CDs to prepare for vacation to france in a few months.

Response from Rocket Languages

Hi Jeff, thank you for your review. We are sorry to hear that you are experiencing these difficulties. We have sent you an email to follow up with you on this.

Thelma Sheffield

Thelma Sheffield


Rocket Spanish
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Very monotonous and hard to follow material. I can't keep engaged in the material. Super boring content.

Response from Rocket Languages

Hi Thelma, we are so sorry to hear that you are not engaging with the course material. We have sent you an email following up on this.

Amin Khodaei

Amin Khodaei


Rocket English
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I purchased the English rocket language, but I have encountered some issues with the audio on the Android app. The words and phrases do not play correctly, but they do work properly on the laptop browser. However, when trying to record on the laptop browser, only the last part of the word or half of the sentence is recorded, which is very inconvenient. As a solution, I have been playing the words and sentences on my laptop browser and attempting to record on the Android app. Rocket language has a 60-day refund policy, so I will be requesting a full refund due to these issues.

Response from Rocket Languages

We're sorry to hear about the issues you are experiencing with our program. We have sent you an email regarding the issues that you are having to get more information on this.

David Fritz

David Fritz

United States

Rocket Spanish
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Buggy on Ventura Safari, the most current MacOS and browser version.

Travelogue way too advanced and difficult to avoid.

Encountered user setup error that service and support quickly corrected.

So far greatly prefer Pimsleur and will likely invoke refund option.

Response from Rocket Languages

Hi David, thank you for your review and we apologize for the problems that you are having with the program. We generally recommend using Chrome as a browser as it has the more powerful technology that our voice recognition software requires. Regarding your other points, we have sent you an email about all this.

Trevor Binnall

Trevor Binnall

United States

Rocket Hindi
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I am extremely unsatisfied with Rocket Hindi because they have made it impossible to cancel my subscription. I am stuck with monthly payments and cannot cancel. They are an extremely dishonest company for making it this difficult to terminate recurring payments.

Response from Rocket Languages

Thanks so much for your review, Trevor. Our sincere apologies for any confusion caused. To request a cancelation, we encourage learners to contact our custom support team directly on [email protected]. Regarding your specific situation, our records show that you were able to cancel your purchase successfully. All the best!



United States

Rocket Chinese
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Microphone does not pick up short words, so it is impossible to check pronunciation on basic language units. Especially debilitating for Chinese learners where tonal pronunciation is crucial.

There is very little teaching. Provided flash card sets dumping 30 new terms with no organization, no intuitive backbone reflective of that of the language itself makes me question the expertise of the instructors. This weakness is also reflected in sloppy errors: voice lines which don't match the text underneath, an occasional condescending tone to the learner, and statements that words completely new to the learner were already covered in previous lessons when they were not.

This software would be acceptable if it was free, but given the high price, it's quality does not justify a purchase.

Response from Rocket Languages

We're sorry to hear that you are not happy with the course. We always provide a 60 day money back guarantee, so please get in touch with us if you prefer a refund. You might also like to know that we are in the process of updating the Chinese course (among other languages) this year so if you decide to keep the course, you will get access to the updated lessons at no further cost.

Chase Moratti

Chase Moratti

United States

Rocket Italian
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It is not very good at hearing what you say and my class really doesn't like it.

Response from Rocket Languages

Response from Rocket Languages: Thanks so much for your feedback. We're sorry to hear that you're having trouble with the voice recognition. If you're not already, we strongly recommend that you use a headset to record yourself. If you are using your inbuilt mic, then it's likely that it will be picking up lots of background noise, and affecting your results. All the best with your lessons!

Jess Chandler

Jess Chandler

IN , United States

Rocket Sign Language
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Just started using it. Trying to learn the alphabet and unfortunately the majority of the videos won't play. When I click on the play button either the screen goes all black or all white. Sent an email to get help and have yet to hear back from anyone.

Response from Rocket Languages

Response from Rocket Languages: Hi there! Our Customer Service Team has contacted you to resolve this issue. Happy learning!

karirahf karira

Karirahf Karira


Rocket Spanish
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mavillosos el leccion! This is a place to be! so romantic is the spanish language!

Alyssa Chamberlain

Alyssa Chamberlain

United States

Rocket Spanish
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no i dont think i will actually, i dont really like this course.

Response from Rocket Languages

Response from Rocket Languages: Hi Alyssa - Feel free to email us with specifics about what you don't like. We are always open to change!