Rocket Languages Reviews

Find out what actual users have to say about our courses through their Rocket Languages reviews.

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4968 Customer Reviews

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76.5% (3802)

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15.3% (762)

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4.9% (245)

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2.1% (105)

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1.1% (54)

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Sandra L Ammons

Sandra L Ammons

United States

Rocket French
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too early to feel awesome about the process. feeling overwhelmed right now.

Response from Rocket Languages

Hi Sandra, we're sorry to hear that you are feeling overwhelmed with the course content. We have sent you some tips via email to try and help you overcome this.

Kevin Collins

Kevin Collins

United States

Rocket Spanish
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The conversations to listen, follow along with, and repeat after, are pretty good and based in some realistic contexts. They were fine. Also, some of the explanations during the text-based lessons were decent explanations. My main issues are with thereview, the study flashcards, listening and repeating, typing the sentences, then repeating them with only the translation. It felt less like trying to figure out what it was, and instead more on how much I could remember of the sentence or what I could memorize, and after about 45 days it gets old feeling like the only practice after the initial flashcards is memorization of sentences. It would be good to see some variations in those sentences for the flashcards, then the listening and repeat, then typing, then saying it. They could still use the same words maybe and have the overall vibe of the lesson, but when they're all the same exact sentences in the same exact order for four reviews in a row then it isn't really working towards figuring out what to say.

Response from Rocket Languages

Thank you for your review. We have passed your suggestions about improving the reinforcement activities on to the Development team. All the best!

steven goericke

Steven Goericke

United States

Rocket Spanish
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Starting from beginning Spanish i was thrown off the cliff suddenly with complete sentences. There is no bridging the gap from rudimentary words to complete sentences. Need to work along side with google translate.. Frustrating.

Response from Rocket Languages

Sorry to hear that you're having trouble! It looks like you might have skipped a number of lessons in the course which understandably made things difficult for you. We've emailed you with some information and are always here to help if you need a hand with your learning!

Leomer Minguez

Leomer Minguez


Rocket French
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It was okay. Experience was not too great due to microphone issue that I need to shout just to be heard by the software which leads to frustration in learning. Would recommend to travelers who are into rote learning. Opinion on buying again and recommending to a friend may change once I have completed the courses.

Daniel Joseph

Daniel Joseph

United States

Rocket Chinese
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The more I go through the course, the more frustrating it gets. Instead of learning and practicing individual words, I'm supposed to memorize incredibly complex sentences without understanding the meaning of how all the words work together in the sentence. There is no logical progression from learning words to forming sentences. As a result, I forget everything immediately and feel demotivated. And I stumble over the pronunciation because I have to say ten new words at a time. There is no daily reinforcement of previous lessons, which makes the course meaningless over time.

Response from Rocket Languages

Thank you for your review, Daniel. If you are finding the Interactive Audio lessons quite challenging, then we would recommend going through the Language and Culture lessons first. Once you have a better understanding of how the language works, you may find that the sentences make more sense. If you continue to find yourself feeling demotivated, please don't hesitate to reach out to the customer support team on [email protected].

Aaron Beddes

Aaron Beddes

United States

Rocket German
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First of all, In the middle of exercises (as I'm trying to speak a German phrase) I get annoying popup windows asking me to write a review of Rocket German. I think that's pretty indicative of how much Rocket cares about me actually learning, an how much it just wants more business. In fact, just above this box where I'm typing, Rocket has a link to some "example reviews" which are glowing reports of how when you buy RG, all your wildest fantasies will come true. Since RG insists, though, here is my review...***

Right after I paid $250 dollars for the three German courses (the first of which I didn't even want, but you have no option to remove it from the bundle) I get directed to another page telling me I should really also buy another add-on course that normally costs $50, but they're going to give it to me for $30. Classic used-car salesman tactic. I decline. I'm directed to another page saying "Ok, we'll give it to you for $20, but only if you buy it right now. No kidding, this is your last chance!" Does it get any more sleazy than that?***

The German course was clearly written by native German speakers, which is good, but not really checked by a native English speaker for the quality of the English dialogue.

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Maram Epstein

Maram Epstein

United States

Rocket Italian
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The sexism is very irritating--the male character constantly sexualizes his Italian co-host.

It would be helpful to be able to fast forward/ be able to review the lessons --the ratio of chitchat to content is off. Less of Alessandro and more formal grammar explanations would be great.

Response from Rocket Languages

Response from Rocket Languages: Thanks so much for your review, it's much appreciated. We're sorry you're not satisfied with the Interactive Audio lessons. Please note that you can just listen to the conversation in Italian, rather than the full lesson if you prefer - just look for the Play It section on each Interactive Audio lesson page. For more formal grammar explanations, please try the Language and Culture lessons - there are approximately 5 per Module. We hope this helps!

Jesse G

Jesse G

United States

Rocket French
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I absolutely want to love this program. The content is great. The audio lessons are top notch, but I can't get anything to work correctly on any device and 20 days in and still no contact from a manager or tech after several email requests and live chat requests for it.

I've submitted a pile of screen captures and video of the errors. I've tried multiple devices and computers.

Marie G responds quickly over live chat, but nothing ever seems to come of it.

The program has great content, but trying to use it is is beyond infuriating.

At this point I'm not prepared to keep the product unless it's next to free.

Response from Rocket Languages

Response from Rocket Languages: Thanks for your review Jesse. Our sincere apologies for the trouble you've had with your course, and for the delay in getting some help for you. We will get some assistance from the IT team and get back to you ASAP.

Brooklyn Brooklyn

Brooklyn Brooklyn

United States

Rocket French
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Way too much English spoken in the course. My experience of learning a language is that total immersion is the fastest way to learn.

In this course the constant interruption with English is very distracting.,

Response from Rocket Languages

Response from Rocket Languages: Thank you for your review, it's much appreciated. We're sorry that you're not happy with Rocket French. We've designed our courses to suit a variety of learning styles, and while total immersion is great, we've found it's not a very practical approach for a self-study online course. In Rocket French (and other languages), we break down the conversations in English so that learners can understand what's being said and why, but learners do have the option to immerse themselves in the conversations without any English explanations at all by using the "Play conversation" button in Play It! if they want to. I hope that helps! All the best with your language learning.

Th Fug

Th Fug

United States

Rocket Spanish
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not loving all of the badge interrruptions within the lesson! very disruptive.

Response from Rocket Languages

Thanks so much for your feedback, it's much appreciated. As you will know, badges are issued as you reach certain points goals. They are meant to offer extra incentive for learners, so we're sorry to hear that you find them distracting. Unfortunately there is no current way to opt out of the points system, but we will pass your feedback onto the IT team for their consideration. We hope you are enjoying your language learning otherwise. Please don't hesitate to contact Customer Support directly if there is anything we can help you with.