Rocket Languages Reviews

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5264 Customer Reviews

5 Stars

78.6% (4140)

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13.9% (733)

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4.1% (214)

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1.5% (78)

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1.9% (99)

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Darren Rich

Darren Rich


Rocket Spanish
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It says to write something awesome about Rocket languages. I can't. The voice recognition is absolutely terrible. I have changed the setting from default, to "Easy" and to "Hard", and it still doesn't recognise half of what I say. I can't complete the exercises properly because it fails to recognise most speech. It marks me down. It is REALLY slowing down my progress. I have tried: emphasising words with clear enunciation, speaking louder and softer, and speaking slowly. Still most of the time, even with simple words like "soy" and "doctor" it interprets them a something completely and randomly different, even with vowel sounds that aren't in the words. The rest of the time I just get the message that it "didn't catch that". I don't have a speech impediment. So should this review really give such low grading JUST because of one thing, the speech recognition? Yes, because the speech recognition is used in about 80% of the course sections.

Response from Rocket Languages

Thanks so much for your feedback. We're sorry to hear that you're having trouble with the voice recognition. If you're not already, we strongly recommend that you use a headset to record yourself. If you are using your inbuilt mic, then it's likely that it will be picking up lots of background noise, and affecting your results. If you continue to have trouble, please contact our customer support team on [email protected]

karirahf karira

Karirahf Karira


Rocket German
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with more practice, there'll be a light at the end of tunnel.




Rocket Japanese
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I hate the points and streaks function and you have provide no ability to switch off!

I am preferring the Pimsleur system far more.

Response from Rocket Languages

Hi G - Ha! That's because no-one has asked for it to be switched off before. We can add it to a list of suggestions to look at in the future.

Iza Azi

Iza Azi


Rocket Hindi
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Inconsistent and confusing !
The progression of difficulty in lessons is VERY problematic and not well though !
Sudden long chains of complex unknown words that you have to repeat during the gap which is often too short for long sentences even when you know them by heart.
Followed by obvious 2-word sentences you have seen and heard 5 times already.
Then back to a complex sentence filled with new words.
And not so much audio content in between.
Too expensive for that kind of inconsistency.

Response from Rocket Languages

Hi Iza - Unlike some more popular languages, there is no set way of learning Hindi (everyone seems to have a different opinion on how it could/should be done). It probably has to do with it being a dialect, which means there isn't necessarily a lot of uniformity when it comes to some words and phrases. We revamped Rocket Hindi at the start of 2020 and I feel that it is one of the best Hindi courses that you will find.

Snowah Kjeldsen

Snowah Kjeldsen

Kyoto , Japan

Rocket Japanese
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It's hard to accurately review Rocket Language Japanese, since the levels are so different in quality, but after 2+ years I believe that I can give you a very accurate impression of the first 2 levels, I hope, unless major changes has been made in 2019-2020 (I still haven't made it past level 2, and I haven't used the course since December 2019).

Level 1 is AMAZING! 5 stars! I couldn't recommend it more!
True story: after doing the first section, it helped me land a job in Japan!
I had to do an interview in Japanese via Skype (I needed conversational Japanese for the position), and several of the Q&A was straight of Rocket Languages Japanese Level 1!! I honestly felt that I only had basic Japanese, but the interviewer considered my level to be conversational Japanese and I landed the position!

Level 2 is such a disappointment! The conversations are wayyyy too fast compared to Level 1, and the target language is not anywhere near as useful for everyday living in Japan, I find. Keigo should be taught at a much later stage, and instead it would be much more useful to teach colloquial Japanese that you can actually use with your friends! When you use the masu form that is mainly used in the course, your friends will say: "Yeah...

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Response from Rocket Languages

Hi Snowah - We are in fact starting on a complete revamp of Rocket Japanese very shortly! All new lessons will be available to existing members for free.

Hannah Kittell

Hannah Kittell

United States

Rocket Korean
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I hate to write this, but the English guide's strange midcentury Boston brahmin accent is so distracting that I cannot hear the Korean being spoken. Aside from the strange English, the phrases used for study are very long and not broken up into memorizable parts, and there is no option to not include the very long and unnecessary "extra vocab" from the audio in the flashcards and other study.
Overall this seems to be teaching canned phrases to be stored in short-term memory, rather than starting out small and forming a true understanding of the language for long-term learning. This might be good if you're visiting Korea for a short period and need to parrot some emergency phrases, but I may have to look elsewhere to actually learn to understand Korean. Pretty disappointed in how much money I spent.

Response from Rocket Languages

Hi Hannah, I am sorry to hear that you didn't enjoy aspects of Rocket Korean. Did you use the "Play it!" activities? They are designed to get you speaking Korean in conversations. If you turn off the voice recognition then you can "make up" conversations.

Andrew Dawson

Andrew Dawson

Manchester , United Kingdom

Rocket Japanese
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I have found Rocket Japanese to be useful, and frustrating in about equal measures. The voice-recognition is a great idea in helping perfect your pronunciation. Unfortunately I find that about 20% of the time (I haven't kept a count, this is a rough estimate) it simply doesn't work. Either your phrase is not recognised, or deemed incorrect. As a beginner, not knowing if it is you, or the software that is the problem can be insanely frustrating. It doesn't appear to be the longer sentences that suffer from this. The very first sounds we are asked to repeat are riddled with examples. After 3 months it still tells me I can't pronounce 'ka'.
I have finally been prompted to write this because the system tells me I cannot pronounce 'America jin' correctly. Clearly this is an almost native sound to an English speaker, but I mimic the example exactly to no avail. I can forgive these issues, although there are other minor complaints. I have also reported some mistakes in the text, but they remain unchanged. Personally I find that the audio lessons are rather childish, and would be happier if we just got on with the lesson, but I recognise that might just be me being grumpy.

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Response from Rocket Languages

Hi Andrew, thanks for the detailed feedback. Unfortunately, very short words tend not to work very well with voice recognition as they don't have a lot of context. With regards the lessons themselves, we are in the process of completely redoing the Language & Culture lessons and hope to have those up in the next couple of months. Unfortunately, the pandemic has put a halt to a lot of our activities.

John Hughes

John Hughes

United Kingdom

Rocket Korean
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It is such a shame. Rocket has the potential to be really good, but lack of attention to detail and poor explanations mean that it fails to reach its potential.

I have almost finished my Rocket Korean course. I have benefited from it, but only because I have a Korean wife, who has been able to explain things that Rocket have left vague, not explained well or just got plain wrong. First, the good things. The reinforcement process (Flashcards, oral repetition and so on) is excellent and has helped things to stick in my mind. The voice recognition software is also pretty good. It is weak on short words of one or two syllables, but in general works well. The audio conversations and reinforcement within them are also decent. There are three big problems with Rocket, however. Firstly, it’s explanations of grammar are not very clear and sometimes contain errors. Secondly it illustrates concepts with sentences that are far too complex and contain sections which are not explained. This is incredibly frustrating, because it means that you end up rote learning a lot of phrases rather than learning how to construct your own sentences. Finally the reference material and structure is very weak.

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Response from Rocket Languages

Hi John - Thanks for the detailed feedback. We have recently added in subtitles to the Rocket Korean Interactive Audio course. That should help with finding the correct position. We are also looking at adding in "bookmarks" so that certain points can be highlighted for future reference. We will email you to find out more about some of your other points!

Niklas Persson

Niklas Persson

Sverige , Sweden

Rocket Portuguese
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I really like the tool and I that you can record your voice and compared to the native is the best function. I learned quite a lot of words but there is one big problem. The man speaks with a Rio De Janeiro accent. When I came to Sao paulo where my wife is from many people laughed at my strong accent and I realized I have gotten a really strong Rio De Janeiro accent which does not seem like the best of accents xD.

I wanted to have a Sao paulo accent and after knowing this fact I could not continue as the portuguese accent was not the one I was looking for. So I love the service but the audio is just not what I am looking for making it not usable.

Response from Rocket Languages

Hi Niklas - We are aware of the different accents in Brazil and while Paulo is from Rio (as per the Interactive audio lessons), the rest of the course (extra vocabulary and Language & Culture lessons) has a male speaker who is not from Rio. It is a good idea to have familiarity with both! There is even a specific Language & Culture lesson on the differences (see lesson 1.11)

Keith Manaton

Keith Manaton

West Sussex , United Kingdom

Rocket French
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Very disappointed. I bought this primarily for verbal skills & to be confident to talk the language. The voice recognition software for all devices is dreadful. It is woefully inadequate & buggy.
Aside there aren't any repeat reinforcements in the lessons & each one is loaded with ‘additional’ vocabulary which confuses the core lesson.

Response from Rocket Languages

Hi Keith - There was an issue with voice recognition, which has now been resolved. We do recommend, if you are using a desktop/laptop, a headset microphone for best results.