Rocket Languages Reviews

Find out what actual users have to say about our courses through their Rocket Languages reviews.

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4968 Customer Reviews

5 Stars

76.5% (3802)

4 Stars

15.3% (762)

3 Stars

4.9% (245)

2 Stars

2.1% (105)

1 Star

1.1% (54)

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Lily K

Lily K


Rocket French
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The app on iPhone doesn’t work property. After I email the customer service for a few days, the problem still has not been solved. The app is not as good as the desktop version., which is a shame. The responses from customer service seem slow. The audio lessons are interesting but the culture and language don’t make me feel interested about learning. There are definitely things that require improvement.

Seccra Card

Seccra Card

United States

Rocket Spanish
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I like the interactive part it really helps with memory. So far the voice recognition has been really annoying, maybe because im a perfectionist and when it wont record correctly I cant move on. Also I have not had any grammar lesson on conjugations. If i hadnt had a background in Spanish I think I would be a little lost by now.

Response from Rocket Languages

Response from Rocket Languages: Hi Seccra - Please contact customer support around the voice recognition issue. I am sure that we can resolve that. Also, Level 1 (and the other higher levels) do have quite a few Language & Culture lessons on verb conjugations. Did you see those?

Russell Fowler

Russell Fowler

United States

Rocket French
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Overall a good course - perhaps a few too many bells and whistles. In the French course the instructor needs to speak MUCH more slowly and enunciate more clearly. Speaking too fast, especially in the early stages, does NOT provide the student with proper pronunciation. It may be the way many French people speak day to day, but you need to learn the proper way to say things before speaking rapidly. I speak some French and what I'm hearing is not clear for a new student to learn properly.

Response from Rocket Languages

Response from Rocket Languages: Hi Russell - It usually does take some time for ears to be trained to a new language. It can be a good idea to listen to a French radio station during the day to help with this process.

Amy Goldman

Amy Goldman

Blue Bell,PA , United States

Rocket Spanish
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If you’re planning to travel, I can see that it would be helpful to carry a conversation. I think the testing is a good idea. I like the Flashcards. However, this program just doesn’t meet my learning needs.

Mariann Miller

Mariann Miller

United States

Rocket French
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The reinforcement of the Hear it, Say It, Write it and Know it activities.
The flash cards - and the ability to customize your flashcards.
Learning phrases as opposed to just vocabulary
The point, progress and streak information.
The Rocket Fuel emails are very helpful.

I could locate only one pronunciation lesson. It would be help to have more. (Note: that lessons indicates that there is further help included in lesson 3.6, but that doesn't appear to be a pronunciation lesson.)
Some of the audio, done by the native speaker, is unclear. Either the first portion of the audio is cut short, or there is lack of clarity in the audio.

Because of the clarity issues of the audio, I become quickly frustrated. I've verified that the issue is with the audio itself by trying a headset and bluetooth speakers, comparing them with other audios. Unfortunatly, this single issue is my reason for cancellation. :(

Iqbal Ahmed

Iqbal Ahmed

Karachi , Pakistan

Rocket Hindi
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Guys, Rocket Language found a great platform to learn Hindi. I learnt like a baby, very easy and simple way they have to teach their students. Rocket language not only focusing on any one, it focuses reading & writing including speaking. The most important thing would like to share with you is listening, listening is a very grabbing tool for learning any language. To me, it is my ambition to learn Hindi specially writing skills as it is so complex but interesting.
I would appreciate and recommend Rocket Language to learn Hindi and/or any other language.
Good Luck everyone.

Iqbal Ahmed

Kathleen O'Brien

Kathleen O'brien

Nevada , United States

Rocket French
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I like Rocket French and have found it helpful, but if you're a person who doesn't memorize sentences well in order to repeat them back orally or in writing, you may get frustrated. I can actually converse in French at an intermediate level, but I'm not able to memorize these lesson passages because, in the moment of studying, their only importance is as text to attach to my brain long enough to recant for the machine. Frankly, I don't learn fluidity from memorizing but from composing my own sentences, so I much prefer studying the vocabulary and the grammar, and those lessons here are very good and give me the needed tools. I think it would be a lot of work, but it would be cool if Rocket French could restructure for an experience that involved less rote repetition of longer texts. If you don't think you'd be disappointed by this, then it may be perfect for you.

Julian Vonheeder

Julian Vonheeder

Massachusetts , United States

Rocket Italian
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I am enjoying learning Italian for my trip and it seems to make sense so far. Not sure of the customer service because I have not had to use it and cant choose stars based on use so I choose a one star. Sorry, hate fake stat boosting. I can say the search functionality is trash. I tried to search a simple word such as "Tomorrow" and it came up with no results. I have a feeling I will learn much and be happier than I would with Rosetta.

Kevin Brown

Kevin Brown


Rocket Chinese
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I initially loved the course because I used it in my mobile driving back and forth to work.

But once I got to level 3 I found the explanation of the dialogue to be very lacking. Essentially it required me to sit down in front of a computer. It was no longer a course I could do while driving.

Sarah Wiley

Sarah Wiley

Tampa, FL , United States

Rocket French
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I am finding the program difficult to use. I cannot access the written or quiz sections. It is also a problem trying to access the subsequent module. I wish I had purchased only Level 1. The opportunity to listen and have my pronunciation corrected is appreciated but I would like to be able to access the rest of the module segments.

Response from Rocket Languages

Response from Rocket Languages: Hi Sarah - That is a strange thing to have had happen. Can you please contact customer support if it persists and we will get to the bottom of it.