Rocket Languages Reviews

Find out what actual users have to say about our courses through their Rocket Languages reviews.

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4968 Customer Reviews

5 Stars

76.5% (3802)

4 Stars

15.3% (762)

3 Stars

4.9% (245)

2 Stars

2.1% (105)

1 Star

1.1% (54)

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Stacy Orr

Stacy Orr

Rocket French
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Although I have only completed one lesson, I am enjoying the product immensely. The lessons help me recognize my weak points. The customer service is helpful but slow to respond to requests. I am enjoying learning French and, hopefully, beginning my courses in Italian once I sort out a few issues with the help of customer service.

Cari Campbell

Cari Campbell

Rocket Spanish
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I really like how the conversation is broken down so that you understand each word, and the Hear It, Say It and Know It features really help my pronunciation. I feel that I have been able to retain the sentences I learn in the Interactive Audios. I also like how we are given opportunities to answer questions during the dialogues so that we can practice speaking on the fly. There are a lot of additional features and tools in the Survival Kit and Language & Culture sections; I really have gotten so much value for my money!

nesha blake

Nesha Blake


Rocket German
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i find rocket german super .i go to a german class i can not understand the teacher rocket german helps a lot in two month with rocket german i learn slangs and some germans culture and they break it down to your level and everyday activities good job

Manuel  Andrade

Manuel Andrade

Rocket Chinese
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- Good overall structure
- Gamified
- Lots of content
- Lifetime access

- Grammar lessons should be more in-depth.
- Writing section should be taken more seriously instead of the "it's almost impossible for you to learn this so here's some easy random stuff".

Overall this may be the best online package out there. However, in order to be perfect it needs to consolidate its writing and grammar section. I have found the structure to be really useful in obtaining some key phrases or words but there's almost no info regarding phrase construction and rules so it's not that easy to use what I've learned so far as building blocks for new phrases and expanded meanings.

Waiyee Leong

Waiyee Leong

Rocket German
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I've been using Rocket French and German for awhile now and both have been working really well for me. I would recommend the Rocket Languages website to friends looking to learn new languages through a user-friendly interface.

Waiyee Leong

Waiyee Leong

Rocket French
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I've been using Rocket French and German for awhile now and both have been working really well for me. I would recommend the Rocket Languages website to friends looking to learn new languages through a user-friendly interface.

Milushka Linoshka

Milushka Linoshka

Rocket French
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I've been pleasantly surprised with the course. I learned Spanish on my own...studying and living in Spanish speaking countries. For someone working on a third language, I think Rocket French (in my case) will be very useful.

Randall Surles

Randall Surles

crestview, fl

Rocket French
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Rocket Languages is free through my local library system and I just started, but I noticed a lot of things that I like that aren't present in other courses that I've used - I like the competitive nature, the leaderboard to compare my progress, and the point system. The games are helpful in sticking words in my memory, and the pronunciation tool is awesome.

Donald Simpson

Donald Simpson

Rocket Italian
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I am a bit of an Italophile and visit Italy every year so thought it would be at least polite to try and learn the language. I had made several attempts to learn Italian but was making very little progress when I made the decision to try Rocket Italian. From the very start I felt that I was making progress and now have the confidence to give it a go when in the company of non English speaking Italians. I find the pace of the course just about right as I can regularly go back because everything stays available. Maybe that the most fun I have however is translating American into English. :o)
Keep up the good work

Jamian Murray

Jamian Murray

Rocket German
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At first, I wasn't entirely sure about Rocket Languages. I had seen reviews on other websites saying that it's teaching methods are comparable and even superior to Rosetta Stone, but I wasn't convinced... until I actually tried it for myself.

As a native German born, I wanted to get back to my roots and re-learn the language I lost when I moved to the states 15 years ago. And let me tell you, if you ever plan on using the language you're trying to learn, Rocket Languages is the place to learn it from. My mother, who is completely German, was completely astonished at my grasp of the language after using Rocket Languages.

Beyond being extremely good at teaching the language, Rocket Languages also manages to keep you motivated as well, with fun activities such as flash cards, to their really cool badge system, which makes you feel accomplished as you reach milestones.

After trying out this product, I can proudly say I'll be coming back in the near future for my next Language Package, French!