Rocket Languages Reviews

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4968 Customer Reviews

5 Stars

76.5% (3802)

4 Stars

15.3% (762)

3 Stars

4.9% (245)

2 Stars

2.1% (105)

1 Star

1.1% (54)

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United States

Rocket Spanish
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The Spanish course does an adequate job of starting one learning the language. The technique used is anything but new as I have used it over many years for two of the several languages I know. The price for the first set of lessons is reasonable at less than $100 but then the price escalates.



Rocket Chinese
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There are many good tools to practice Chinese. I really like the rocket record where you can compare the pronunciation with Chinese speaking people. The only thing that I am missing is that there should be a prepared vocabulary for each chapter.

osman tekin kiyar

Osman Tekin Kiyar


Rocket Japanese
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Need some more practice and review material. Full Audio parts seem lengthy. Like your course. I would like to memorize by doing practice whatever I learn from the course so need translation practices both way



Rocket German
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I have now completed the 2nd Level from the Rocket German courses and have been really happy with my progress.The audio courses are interesting and they really help with my progress. I have now got the 3rd level and will be getting started straight away!




Rocket Spanish
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I like the audio lessons. The new "know it" part seems a little redundant. The quizes are much too easy. There is very little practice writing or otherwise to really get concepts from a lesson nailed into the brain. And finally the organization is a totally a mess! Where is the overall lesson plan? There is so much repetition between the "Beginners Book" or whatever it is called and the language and cultural lessons, and the lesson numbers don't match, etc...I think there should be at least an order, like read lesson 3.1 in the manual, then listen to the audio lesson 3.1 and then do the cultural lesson 3.6 or something like that. Also the "say it" part where you speak to the computer doesn't really help me at all or my pronunciation. Hearing it helps with that.
Overall it is a pretty good method but could use a better format and overall organization. Bueno, creo que eso es todo.



Rocket Spanish
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Very challenging course, great tools to learn with and I plan on taking more until the end. Great to have a course you can do at your own pace. Start with a spark until it turns into white heat to finish.



Rocket Spanish
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Dear amigos,

Thanks a lot for this great course for beginners. It was a real step forward in Spanish. Before going to Malaga to learn Spanish in 2010 I had made some basic things and read through first topics using Rocket Spanish but finally I knew enough to get level A2 at Malaga University! Moreover the materials were extremely beneficial for my everyday life in Spain especially when I just arrived there.

It is time to go forward but now I'm sure in my success because I have a solid background due to your course. Muchas gracias! Viva your team!!!!!



Sundridge Ontario

Rocket French
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This program is very easy to use, I am having a lot of fun with it. I can't believe how much I have forgot since grade 9 French :)

I need to learn this quick and easy for my job, and this program will make that happen. Thanks Rocket French.



Rocket German
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After letting my learning slide for a few months I have returned to the site. I really like the many new features. I find the experience very worthwhile and am now hoping to get the most out of the course.



Rocket German
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Although I have not been very consistent with studying, this is one of the best methods I have encountered for learning a language. I hope to start continued consistent use of Rocket Languages as I should have previously and I shall confirm within 4-6 months that this method is by far the best. I also intend on ordering Rocket Spanish shortly and hope to take full advantage of this method's capability.