Rocket Languages Reviews

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4968 Customer Reviews

5 Stars

76.5% (3802)

4 Stars

15.3% (762)

3 Stars

4.9% (245)

2 Stars

2.1% (105)

1 Star

1.1% (54)

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April Roshak

April Roshak

Peachtree City, GA

Rocket Spanish
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I feel like I have my own personal teacher. I am learning vocabulary fast. The conversations are relevant and realistic. The format is easy to use. I also love that I can go at my own pace.

My motto is "review, review, review". I can do that with Rocket Languages Spanish.

Bonus--the price is excellent! Thanks so much for this product!

James  Kim

James Kim

Rocket French
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This is my first time trying out learning French in an online course. This online course is quite different from what other interactive courses I've tried.
Rocketlanguages lets you learn a foreign language by a really cool interactive audio language lesson. Then, you test yourself what you've learned by Hear it Say it, Write it, Know it, and lastly Quizzing yourself.
All of the above testing methods are structured in a way to cut your learning curves as much as possible to achieve the goal you need.
See for yourself. This course rocks!

 Juan  Gallegos

Juan Gallegos


Rocket Inglés
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Very easy for any one everything is translated to any Language I recommend it. muy facil de usar en culaquier ideoma se los recomiendo si estudian con dedicasion los va aser mejores en sus vidas..que Rocket English sea la major decision que tomen.

Dan  OBrien

Dan Obrien

Rocket French
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Rocketlanguages is my favorite way to learn french. I like the format, lessons are usually less than half an hour and then I through all the reviews, which are words and phrases from the lesson. Also, I downloaded all the audio lessons and put them on my ipod so I listen to them as I drive back and forth to work. At age 52, I need to immerse myself in french and Rocketlanguages helps me do that better than anything else out there. And it's reasonably priced to boot. I highly recommend the Rocket languages system.
Dan OBrien

Suzana Campbell

Suzana Campbell

Rocket German
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I love the idea of learning a new language by virtual communication and opportunity to be tested after each lesson. The best of all I find the "know it- say it" column as you are being asked to repeat sentences you are struggling with! I have just started with 'The Rocket German' and must say its absolutely refreshing with its unique approach to learning!

Lindsay Colbert

Lindsay Colbert

Rocket German
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Excellent way to practice speaking and listening to German. You can learn words and phrases by repeating them lots of times in useful contexts, which seems more effective than trying to memorise them from a list.

wei chun lin

Wei Chun Lin

Kansas city MO

Rocket Spanish
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This program is great. I am a Chinese and I do speak English and Mandarin, but Spanish is something totally different. I hope this wonderful Spanish learning web site can help me learn fast so I can start communicate with my wife's family.
All in all, I think the program is great, I didn't use any customer service or any help from the site yet, so I cannot make any comment on that.

Jack De Selm

Jack De Selm


Rocket Italian
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Frankly, I think Rocket Italiano is very good. Though it is slow going for me, it does seem thorough. I do think the price is perfect and if I get through this first course, I will continue with the next course. I am going to Sicily at the end of June and the first part of July, so I hope I have it somewhat together by then.

Motivation to learn a different language is the key. I like the way Rocket Italiano has provided different ways to keep this interesting. The testing is interesting, as is trying to speak the way the instructors speak. I have not gone through the entire course step by step, but I have jumped around a bit and keep coming back for more.

I am wondering though if there is a major difference between the Italian language and the Sicilian language. I have relatives in Sicily and I am going to try to communicate with them when I am visiting. Some of them I have never met. It should be interesting. I will continue the course when I get back and if I am comfortable enough, I will enroll in the next Rocket Italiano course. As of right now though, it seems that I have a long way to go.

Joe Mulleady

Joe Mulleady

Rocket Italian
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Very good language course, giving the appropriate amount of information required at your stage of development! It doesn't swamp you with too much grammar, only enough to keep you seeking more, using your own initiative.

Leonard Slack

Leonard Slack

Deer Lodge/tennessee

Rocket French
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the incremental approach along with the programmed steps/lessons makes the learning process much easier than deciding on your own what to study and how to study. Also, the repetition of key words/phrases from earlier lessons in subsequent lessons really does solidify the material. I also really like the MegaFrench modules. There is so much variety to the available tools. If you want to hit it hard you can use the dialogue lessons/review/know it; if you want to get exposure without too much effort, you can do the games. Brilliant!