Rocket Languages Blog Holidays and Emergency phrases

Holidays and Emergency phrases



Bonjour tout le monde all the way from Provence, France

This post has been delayed due to long haul travel with kids, jetlag and sickness. Possibly the perfect storm to ensure a rocky start to any holiday...

Somewhere between Singapore and France I ended up with a viral throat infection, and by the time the family got to Avignon in the South of France I wasn't in a good way. One way of saying that in French would be "Je ne me sens pas très bien", more literally "I don't feel very well". Being sick was unfortunate in more ways than one, not only was it making a mess of the holiday, but we had a French wedding to attend! 

While I managed to haul myself out of bed to get to the actual wedding ceremony I didn't last much past the speeches. This was a considerable shame as the French know how to celebrate and have a good time. In fact by 530am there were only French left going at what was a very multi-national wedding. The French are very good at pacing themselves through to the early hours of the morning (I think the trick is to have a glass of water between wines!).

By the next day I was still not any better and had to bring out another useful phrase; "Est-ce qu'il y a un docteur dans la ville ?", which roughly translates to "Is there a doctor in the town?". Luckily the French health system is excellent and there seems to be a doctor in just about any reasonable sized town, even some unreasonably small towns! It wasn't long before some French medicine got me back on track, and at a reasonable price.

While I wouldn't wish being sick onto anyone it was a useful experience to extend my knowledge of French in an unusual situation.

Do you have any travel misadventures to share? Any phrases that came in handy or would have been handy to know? Feel free to share!


No he tenido ningún grandes desventuras, solamente poco onces. Pero me gusta lo que dice Yvon Choinard: aventura sucede cuando las cosas van mal.

I haven't had any big misadventures, only little onces. But I like what Yvon Choinard says: Adventure happens when things go wrong.
marieg-rocket languages

marieg-rocket languages

From all the things that could happen to you when you travel, getting sick is at the bottom of my list hehehe


No he tenido (ningún)* grandes desventuras, solamente algunas cuantas.* Pero me gusta lo que dice Yvon Choinard: La aventura sucede cuando las cosas van mal.

* You can also say "No he tenido ninguna gran desventura"
* Based on your English transcript I would have said "sólo pequeñas"



Marie: I would rank being arrested and jailed in a foreign country at the bottom of my list, but right above that would be getting sick.

Thank you for the corrections. Interestingly, I wrote my response in Spanish to the best of my ability then ran it through Bing Translator which suggested some of the changes that you then re-corrected close to my original. Perhaps it is time for me to trust myself more than Bing or Google?
marieg-rocket languages

marieg-rocket languages

If it's for a couple of days, I would consider it as part of the adventure haha! :)

Most definitely... Always try using your own structures, Bing and Google sometimes just take words and put them into Spanish, omitting grammar and the message you're trying to convey.



Bonjour Jason, Lespoir tu es bien! Le e'povantable virus, mal au vetre, J'naime l'un ni l'autre! oui,! Mes etr dans l'erreur envier les valise direct en londres lasse non vetements pour Singapour! aller en riviere au la Tour Eiffel, avoid du retard auto bus touriste et La French Chef de'jeuner tard! merci beaucoup notre Touriste Guide extraordinaire for waiting...Also wish I hadn't missed the Monte Carlo dinner and party for our auto bus tourists, must have been a hoot! Keep well, Jason Beverley Ross


Two years ago I got sick, while in France, toward the beginning of my 3-week trip -- I agree it's no fun being sick while on vacation.  After all, we travel to far-away lands to see the sights and experience the culture, just when some rest is necessary.  I didn't rest enough.  Finally, when I was in England, I decided I must see the doctor.  The medication helped and my health improved, but I wasn't totally well until after I returned home.

My French was pretty limited then and even today, and I would still have problems explaining my problem to the doctor.  I again plan to travel to France in July 2016.  Although I don't expect to use the phrase-book on my cell phone for everyday activities,  the phrase-book might come in handy in an emergency situation.