Some of you may have noticed a new feature that has been added to the sidebar of your Rocket Languages course! It looks like this;
What this does is allow you to set the difficulty level of Rocket Record to suit your learning style. As the difficulty levels get harder you have to be more precise with your pronunciation.
You can change this setting from virtually any page in the course and it will remember it until you change it again.
Whether you are a trial member or a full member, this feature is now active for all members accounts.
Important: As you are probably aware, the voice recognition works in Chrome only at this stage. Other browsers are playing catch up and it should be rolled out to other major browsers in the coming months.
Also, we are in the middle of updating the apps, so that they have similar functionality.
And, finally, we are still working on getting all of the numbers sorted. You may have noticed that sometimes a number comes back as, say, "12" instead of the written number "twelve", and it gets marked as incorrect. We are working on these cases!
Please let me know what your thoughts about the new voice recognition settings are!
All the best with your language learning.
Jason Oxenham
Rocket Languages