Rocket Languages Blog NOTIFICATION of upcoming maintenance! Monday May 9th from 2:30am EST

NOTIFICATION of upcoming maintenance! Monday May 9th from 2:30am EST



Hi everyone

On Monday, May 9, 2016 between 2:30 AM and 6:30 AM EST, Rocket Languages will be conducting system maintenance. (You can check out what time/day this is in your area here.)

Please be advised that the entire site will be unavailable during this time. If you really want to do some language learning during this time then we recommend downloading some of the Interactive Audio course tracks from within the members area.

We appreciate your patience in this process as we continually work to improve the Rocket Languages platform.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you,

Jason Oxenham
Rocket Languages


Hi, Jason!  Are there going to be new features?


Hi Shelley - Not directly. This is part of a server upgrade, so it will affect things going on behind the scenes, like page and function load speed and code base versions.


Jason: thank you for the advance notification. I think it greatly reduces frustration when we users know why the system is down and for how long.


Thanks for keeping us updated.


Thanks for letting us know. Unfortunately I have trouble coping when our clocks go back and forth each year. Lord only knows when  'Monday, May 9, 2016 between 2:30 AM and 6:30 AM EST' is likely to be here in the UK - probably sometime towards Christmas! 


Hi all - Just a quick update.  It looks like, apart from a couple of minor bugs, that the server maintenance went well. Currently the pages are loading around 20% faster than previously.

If you do come across anything unusual please do let us know!


Great job on continuing to improve the course, Jason. Many thanks.


Hi Jason, I have been trying for months to get RF to work with Firefox browser, in fact it's been since the big "update" in Oct 2015. I have talked with your tech dept about it and they said they are aware of the problem and are working on it. The last time I heard from them is over 2 months ago and the problem still exists.
The problem is that I am only able to record my voice about 15 -20 times before the program quits recording (approx 80 points). This means I can't even get through the entire "Conversation" part let alone any of the testing. I previously had Windows 7 but have upgraded to Windows 10 and the problem carried over. The same thing happens when I use MS Edge. Please don't say "Google". I tried that also and it 10 times worse.
My understanding from the tech dept is that I am not the only one experiencing this, so I would appreciate knowing what is being done and when I can expect to use this program as it should be.  I am extremely frustrated by this and the result is that I have not used RF much since the "Update" which is NOT what I paid for. I had previously asked to just let me use the old version which worked perfectly, but apparently that is unavailable.
I hope you will respond to this HUGE problem by letting me know the solution. I previously posted this issue in the forum a month or so ago and got ZERO responses, as if everyone put their head in the sand hoping it would go away. I would like some results. Please remember, I paid good money for this to work and it doesn't anymore.

Thank you for your anticipated attention to this problem.


Hi Mike - Sorry for the inconvenience here. I was under the impression that it had been resolved for Firefox users. After a bit of investigation, I now realize that it is still affecting some users and we will look into what's happening this week.


Thank you for your follow-up. I look forward to it being operational again. I miss not being able to practice.



Hi Mike - I am happy to announce that we (hopefully) have gotten to the bottom of the issue with Firefox and Opera sometimes crashing when using Rocket Record many times. Please let me know if the issue re-occurs!


Hi Jason! I have been having trouble with recording my voice here on Rocket Languages, ever since the big update last year. I have tried everything that I could, like checking my mike, speaking more slowly and clearly, even going away from it for a few months and using another program, but I still have a lot of trouble. The old version was fine with me and my brother Matthew, who was taking French, but he had to drop out after the "big update" because he was extremely frustrated with the results. We have both had trouble with the RocketRecord feature saying that we didn't say the words and phrases correctly, when we were saying them perfectly. Please Help!  Sincerely, Brittany


Hi Brittany - That is odd. I have emailed you directly so we can set up a call to resolve this issue.


Hello Jason.  In the Rocket Japanese 1 Module 3, the points on the points goal tracker are resetting after go to another page.   I also did half of  Module 3.10 twice because the icons weren't turning green after completion.  But the points do show up on the leader board.


Hi Odg - Can you send screenshots of the issue to customer support?  We can't seem to replicate the issue at this end.  


Cannot attach a file into the contact form.  Do they have an email address?


Hi there - Yes! [email protected]