Rocket Languages Blog The updated Rocket Languages iOS app is here!

The updated Rocket Languages iOS app is here!



Bonjour tout le monde

As you may know, we released the Android version of the Rocket Languages app a couple of weeks ago. Unfortunately the iOS app took a little longer to develop, but it's here now!

The app should automatically update for everyone who already has it installed. If you don't already have it then please get it from here.

I stated all the major changes in the post about the Android app. Nevertheless, I will repeat the key info here;

What's included?

  • Your Dashboard and Ratings
  • All of the Interactive Audio lessons
  • All of the Language and Culture lessons
  • All of the Writing lessons (for those languages that have them)
  • All of the Tests for these lessons; i.e. Hear it Say it!, Write it!, Know it!, Play it! and the Quiz
  • Requires iOS 7.1 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch

What's new?

  • A completely new and more user friendly interface and design
  • The ability to record and playback
  • The addition of all the Tests

And here's a review of the app from Rocket Spanish member; Robert

The Spanish mobile app keeps getting better I just received the new update in the past couple of days and I have to say, "GREAT". I use the mobile app almost exclusively for my Spanish learning and it just keeps improving. Now that the record function works in "Play It" I am loving that testing. Thank you for your ongoing efforts to keep improving a great program. Robert Gupton

And also, as per the Android app, if you like the iOS app please leave a review in iTunes!

À bientôt !

Jason Oxenham
Rocket Languages Ltd



Did give it a try and enjoyed the new app.


Just took a look - thanks for the update!


Downloaded app to my iPAD. Love it! I move around somewhat. Thanks.
Dr. T

Dr. T

I'm really enjoying the ap and it's new features. However, is anyone else having a problem with the streaming conversations shutting off once the apple device screen goes to the dark, energy saving mode? This only happens with the ap. If I stream through website on my ios device, I do not have this problem. The streaming conversation continues even after the screen goes dark. The only way I have worked around this in the ap mode is to continually tap the screen to keep it active. I have tried this on both my iPad and iPhone, with the same result. I have also rebooted my iPhone, but the problem continues. I appreciate advice in overcoming this problem. Thank you.


TheresaU: I am using an iPad2. I suggest you go to your local apple iStore and talk to the Genius Bar technicians. I have had good reliable fixes and information from them. Buena Suerte.


Hi Theresa - Thanks for your feedback. If the streaming audio turns off when your phone goes to sleep, I suggest adjusting your phone settings to turn off auto-lock.
You can do this by going to Settings -> General -> Auto-Lock. And selecting "Never".

In future updates we will work at keeping the lesson playing while the phone is asleep.

Dr. T

Dr. T

Thanks Jason. Your suggestion does work. I'll just have to remember to turn my auto-lock back on after I finish streaming an episode. Anyway, I'm really enjoying all of the upgraded features of Rocket Spanish, and I love that I'm entitled to all the new upgrades for life. Rocket Spanish does a nice job of integrating Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening, and lots of repetition; all the important components in acquiring a language. Cuídate!


Was using this today and noticed that using Rocket Record in the Interactive Audio lessons does not seem to be worth any points, though it is worth points in the browser version. Doesn't matter to me that much, but thought I'd mention it.


Hi Jason, First of all, thank you for a great app. It's a huge improvement. I have 2 issues however. First of all, the app does not sync with the website (even if I click on Refresh in the menu on the top right or even if I manually quit and restart the app) unless I log out and log back in. The second problem is with the Play It! feature. After I complete and rate a level, clicking on a second level brings up the progress indicator but the conservation never loads. I must click on the Lesson tab and then again on the Rating tab and then the Play It! tab again before I can load a new level. Hope the above will be a simple fix! Bonne chance et a bientôt! Kieran


Hi Jacindas and Kieran - I have forwarded these issues onto our development team. Please bear with us while we sort it out! Merci beaucoup !



Hi all - Just to let you know that we have put out an update for the iOS version, which addresses a lot of the comments made here. It may take a while to auto-update for you as Apple usually takes 4-5 days to process an update before releasing it.



I luv the app. It helps me to stay motivated.


I have adobe update saying that I require a new version, it is already on my computer. Do I need to refresh or update Rocket Italian??


Hi Carl - The iOS app should auto-update and does not require Adobe. It looks like you are talking about your desktop computer? Either way, please contact customer support with as much detail as possible if the problem persists.



I can't really comment on the app since its not available for my platform of choice, BlackBerry 10 OS. It would be nice to have an app for my device but may be too much to ask given the user base.


Hi Dwayne - Sorry! Blackberry isn't on our development list at this stage.



Thanks so much for fixing the audio so it works when the iPhone is locked! Now I can easily do the audio lessons while I fold laundry or wash dishes. Great work!


After a break from my studies I have just had a look at this version on my iPad and an disappointed to see that most of my notes are displayed corrupted. Eg Cybercafe Se détendre - relax Je suis détendu(e) - I am relaxed J'ai une formation d'enseignant. I have a teaching background. Le pire c'est que - the worst is that mise en page de - to layout sur un tel café - about such a cafe la gestion - the management Quoi que tu fasses - Whatever you do Given that I want to refresh my memory using my notes, this bug makes the application useless. Fyi the notes display fine on my Windows PC, but its not practical to use on the move. Please fix it


Interesting having copied and pasted my notes, they are displaying correctly in the above post. Try again Se détendre - relax Je suis détendu(e) - I am relaxed J'ai une formation d'enseignant. I have a teaching background. Le pire c'est que - the worst is that mise en page de - to layout sur un tel café - about such a cafe


I will email support as the corruption is displayed in an Outlook message


I have the iPhone 3 and I can't install it since it won't update to version 7 :/


Hi RM - Unfortunately we don't support iPhone 3. 



I have same problem with first generation iPad. I assume same issue?


Hi Tim - You are correct, unfortunately we aren't supporting first gen iPads.



Hi. What about Windows Phone? Are you planning to make a version for WP?


thanks. will try it


Yes. Windows phone would be great!!!


For those of you with the older iPhones, try Puffin. It will let you use the original rocket languages web site with flash and it supports ios 6 and up. You cannot record your voice but you can do everything else. Puffin Web Browser by CloudMosa, Inc.


Hi all - A Windows phone app isn't on the immediate radar. It is though on the wishlist for our app development. I will keep you posted!



Ahh, I didn't know that Adobe has stopped all mobile support of Flash. For IOS Puffin is a nice solution and there are 700 votes to bring Puffin to the Windows platform. I wonder if a better solution might be to replace Flash with HTML5 on the Rocket Languages web site. Unless the apps are going to offer offline features allowing me to get credit for badge progression and cache lesson material and sync when I get a connection, there is really no point in developing them. If I need wifi for the audio, I prefer to use the native website with all the search features and vocabulary and forums. HTML5 site = available for everybody anywhere with wifi (maybe offline features can be cached in the browser too). Flash site + app for each mobile platform = confusion and costs and still requires wifi (as it exists today) Good luck. Looking forward to having something I can use on a train or airplane.


Hi Jason - We are working on replacing Flash with HTML5, BUT the functionality we require isn't available on all browsers with HTML5. In fact Chrome and Safari are the only browsers that will have all the bells and whistles. Other browsers will still have to rely on Flash until they get up to speed with HTML5 and audio play/record features.

We are in the planning stages for this at the moment. Again, I will keep you all posted when we have it sorted!