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Rocket Languages Blog Discover What Type Of Learner You Are And Which Language You Should Learn

Discover What Type Of Learner You Are And Which Language You Should Learn



Some people pick up foreign vocabulary words from songs, while others need to draw diagrams in order to remember grammar concepts. Everyone has a different learning style!

In fact, there are four major types of learners—visual, auditory, linguistic and kinesthetic.

We’ll help you figure out:

1. which type of learner you are and how to maximize your study time,
2. which languages might be easiest to learn for your learning type. 

Of course, any type of learner can learn any language that he or she wants! However, certain languages might come more naturally to certain people. So if you’re not sure where to start, here are some helpful hints for which of the thirteen Rocket Language courses might suit you best.

Visual Learners

Visual learners need to see something in order to learn it and find it easy to work with pictures and diagrams.

You might be a visual learner if:

  • You find yourself drawing when trying to remember information.
  • You recall diagrams easily.
  • You often close your eyes and visualize information.

Tips for visual learners:

  • When making vocabulary flashcards, draw pictures instead of writing definitions. The mere act of drawing will cement the information.
  • Watch movies in your target language to pair words with moving images.
  • If you’re an absolute beginner, start with children’s TV shows. Although it might seem silly at first, educational shows often illustrate concepts on a screen; a twenty-minute episode might teach you more than two hours with a textbook.
  • You’re never too old for comic books in your target language! They are perfect for visual learners—the pictures are easy to follow, and the dialogue is often stylized.

Languages that suit you best:

Visual learners would excel in a logographic language, which is a fancy word for a language that uses pictures and symbols to represent entire words.

Chinese is the most well-known logographic language, and many of its characters derive from the object they represent.

Visual learners may also enjoy Japanese, which has a heavy Chinese influence. However, Japanese uses a syllabary, which means that symbols represent entire syllables, which are then combined into whole words. Hindi and Korean also use a syllabary.

Auditory Learners

Auditory learners learn via sound. They tend to recall information as long as they hear it, whether that’s via the spoken word or through music.

You might be a visual learner if:

  • You often repeat information under your breath when studying.
  • You pick up new vocabulary by playing podcasts on the go.
  • You’re drawn to music and have a natural gift for remembering song lyrics.

Tips for auditory learners:

  • Play audio language lessons, such as the Rocket Language interactive audio courses, during your commute. Speak aloud whenever you have a chance.
  • If you’re taking an academic course, record your teacher’s lectures to play back later.
  • Memorize the words to songs in your target language.
  • Have conversations with people as often as possible. Push yourself to speak up even if you don’t feel confident in your speaking skills.

Languages that suit you best:

Auditory learners should pick a language whose sounds they are drawn to, especially if that language sounds vastly different from their native tongue.

If you’re an auditory learner, consider a tonal language, which places an extreme emphasis on sound. Each tone in a tonal language can completely change the meaning of a word, so you’ll have to have a well-trained ear! As Mandarin has four tones, consider starting with Rocket Chinese.

If you’d rather not choose a tonal language, then pick a language that sounds radically different from English, such as Portuguese, Italian or Russian.

Linguistic Learners

Linguistic learners are drawn to words, especially when they’re written down. 
You might be a linguistic learner if:

  • You take copious notes.
  • You love reading and find it easy to recall information that you’ve seen on paper.
  • You don’t mind—and perhaps even enjoy—doing written exercises.
  • You may enjoy learning material by reading, and retain information best that way.

Tips for linguistic learners:

  • Use our “Write It!” reinforcement tool - it’s part of every Rocket Languages Course!
  • Consume books in your target language. Annotate as you go along, highlighting unknown phrases and grammatical constructions.
  • Watch a TV show in your target language. Switch on subtitles so that you can see the words being spoken.
  • Browse the Rocket Languages forums to find a virtual pen pal or texting buddy to improve your writing skills.
  • In a notebook, track all unfamiliar or interesting vocabulary that you come across.

Languages that suit you best:

Linguistic learners should pursue a language that heavily emphasizes its written system.

Many linguistic learners would enjoy Arabic, which prizes its literary traditions and delineates sharply between the written and spoken word. French, which is known for its wealth of poetry, and German, which is known for being a language of philosophy, are also strong choices.

Kinesthetic Learners (or Tactile Learners)

Kinesthetic learners are good at working with their hands, and learn best when they’re in motion.

You might be a kinesthetic learner if:

  • You find yourself making gestures when trying to recall information.
  • You like being hands-on with your study material and excel at doing things such as constructing study aids or dioramas.
  • You struggle to sit still when studying.

Tips for kinesthetic learners:

  • Build your own study materials. For example, instead of learning from a textbook, design a board game.
  • Give yourself tangible tasks to complete each day. For starters, if you’re in another country, challenge yourself to buy something from the store without speaking any English.
  • Do something with your body when you’re studying. Jog while repeating vocabulary to yourself. Drive while listening to audio lessons.
  • Play story-driven video games in your target language. Not only will you hear and see the language, but you’ll also have to operate in it in order to advance the story, which requires hands-on focus.

Languages that suit you best:

Kinesthetic learners should pick up languages that let them use their hands. American sign language is a strong choice, as it relies on hand motions and body language instead of speech and sound.

Kinesthetic learners can also choose a language for its practicality, as a highly spoken language will let them travel all over the world and do a lot. For this reason, Spanish is a strong choice, as it is spoken all over Latin America, as well as in Spain. Or polish your English skills with Rocket English!

What’s your language style?

Now that you know more about the types of learners, head on over to Rocket Languages and get started. Happy learning!

Post by guest blogger Jamie McGhee: Jamie McGhee is a novelist, playwright and aspiring polyglot currently making her way through East Africa with a backpack.



Is there a kind of test you can use to determine what is your best? I might be a combination, but it could be based on my own inherent biases. 


I find that the tips are very useful whether or not I can identify what type of learner I am. For instance, the following are great tips for every type of learner:

* Watch movies in your target language to pair words with moving images.
* Memorize the words to songs in your target language.



I'm a visual learner, and Japanese is perfect for that, especially Kanji.


I am visual, but I have always felt Japanese matches me perfectly anyway ever since I was first introduced to the language many years ago at school.


I think I am linguistic. I have always loved to read, and I really like J. R. R. Tolkien's books. I first read Hobbit and Lord of the Rings when I was eight and nine (I started them when I was eight and finished when I was nine). I have been learning Mandarin ever since my family hosted a Chinese exchange student. I wanted to be able to send a letter to her and her family. I also was always the wierd one who actually liked school. I never liked it when things were too easy, so I am very happy with the challenge of learning Chinese.


I am a linguistic learner, and I have studied German and French! I think this knowledge explains why I've been drawn to both languages.