Is there a big difference between these two phrases? Just wondering!
-arigato! n_n
Difference between yoroshii desu ka? and shimasu ka?

May 1, 2013

May 1, 2013
Yoroshii desu ka ? is a question which implies whether YOU WANT to do something.
Shimasu ka ? is a question which does not refer necessarily to you as the one executing the action.
So in way, these would be the translations:
- Yoroshii desu ka ? Would you like to ?
- Shimasu ka ? Should (I/we/you/he/she) do ?
So basically, here: Shimasu takes it's primary meaning/role (the dictionary form is: suru = to do), while yoroshii can be seen as a "would you like".
Hope this clarifies things a bit,

May 2, 2013
thank you very much... that clarifies a lot! thank you again... :)

May 2, 2013
An easy way to think of it is that "Yoroshii desu ka?" is checking to see if something is okay. It literally means "Is it good/all right?", and can be tacked on to the ends of sentences.
"Shimasu ka?", like Coddo says, is just a question asking if something is/will be done. It doesn't even necessarily have a "should" aspect to it. More literally "Shimasu ka?" is "Does/do I/you/he/she/it/they do/will do (it)?"
If you literally wanted to include the 'should', you might use something like "Suru beki/hazu desu ka?".

May 3, 2013
thank you too! that helps :3

May 4, 2013
Thanks for pointing those out Pascal-san.
As English is my second language, I still get jumbled at small details :)