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Rocket Arabic
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Arabic Music
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Egyptian Arabic Course - what is the end result? and what's next?
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Arabic Grammar
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Egyptian Arabic Grammar Book Recs
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Arabic Vocab
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Different ways of saying "please"
66 threads
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Conversation in Arabic
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Talking Online
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Rocket Chinese
Chinese Culture and Travel
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Chinese Music
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Benchmark suggestions
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Chinese Grammar
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How Do I Space Punctuation in My Chinese Writing?!?
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Updating the writing exercises
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Rocket French
Conversation in French
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When to use rendre or aller? Module 2.4 ?
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is Quebec realy french
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French Feedback and Comments
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the Actor paul.
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French Grammar
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1.7 "On est de bons amis." Why is "de" used here? What is its meaning and function?
371 threads
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French Vocab
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Lesson 2.3: Désole vs Désolé
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Rocket German
Conversation in German
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accent of native speakers
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German Culture and Travel
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Formal vs Informal Introductions
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German Feedback and Comments
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How is the recent change to the writing portion an improvement?
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German Grammar
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Was machen sie mit ihrem Gewinn
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German Vocab
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Pronunciation of 'sehen', 'gehen' etc.
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Rocket Hindi
Conversation in Hindi
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conversation to english
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Hindi Feedback and Comments
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level 2 of hindi
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Hindi Grammar
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Past Tenses
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Hindi Vocab
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Cahie - Want vs Should
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Rocket Inglés
Inglés Cultura
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Algo que he notado sobre la cultura en America
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Inglés de votos y comentarios
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Conversation exchange: English <=> Español
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Inglés Vocabulario
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understanding English speakers
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Rocket Italian
Conversation in Italian
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The word "COME"
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Italian Culture and Travel
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Songs to practice my Italian
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Italian Feedback and Comments
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Resetting an entire module or lesson
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Italian Grammar
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verbs in grammar
439 threads
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Italian Vocab
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when do you write the a with the accent mark over the top of it?
248 threads
854 posts
Rocket Japanese
Conversation in Japanese
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Introducing yourself and saying your name
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Japanese Culture and Travel
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Losing Face
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Rōmaji written when reviewing failed flashcards
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Japanese Grammar
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Course content and JLPT coverage
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Japanese Vocab
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i and na adjectives
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Rocket Korean
Conversation in Korean
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Good Korean Podcasts
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Korean - Grammar
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Difference in Pronouncing Chieut and Jieut
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Korean Music
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New Rocket Korean Roleplaying Videos!
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Order of Vowels and Consonants in Hangul syllables
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Rocket Portuguese
Portuguese Culture and Travel
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Can anyone recommend a good language exchange site?
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Portuguese Feedback and Comments
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Portuguese Grammar
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How does one spell out loud accented vowells and the ^ symbol
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Portuguese Vocab
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shortening sentences
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Rocket Russian
Russian Culture and Travel
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I want to cancel the seevice
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Russian Feedback and Comments
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No speech check on webpage?
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Russian Grammar
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passive participle
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Russian Pronunciation
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Number recognition software fixed
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Russian Vocab
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Could you please add animals?
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Rocket Sign Language
American Sign Language
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I see mention of flashcards?
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Sign-Language Feedback
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right vs left
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Rocket Spanish
Conversation in Spanish
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a language program
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Spanish - Culture and Travel
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Mejores Lugares Para Visitar En Ecuador
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Spanish Spanish or South American Spanish
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Spanish - Grammar
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913 threads
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Spanish - Vocab
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yo vs me
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Feedback and Comments
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High-Volume Headsets
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Introduce Yourself!
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Lets Get Started!
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Rocket Languages Blog
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New Release of Rocket Languages on Desktop
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