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Accommodation in Japanese

If you’re traveling in Japan and you’ve just arrived in a new place, how do you go about finding accommodation in Japanese? How do you ask for a good hotel? Perhaps you’re traveling on a budget, in which case you might be looking for a motel or a youth hostel. After this free audio lesson you’ll know how to find suitable accommodation in Japan.

Once you know your options, you might need to ask some more questions like “Where is...?” or “How much is...?” Stick with the Rocket Japanese team and you’ll have your bags unpacked and your feet up in no time!

Resources for further reading:

How to Improve Your Pronunciation of Japanese Words

Five Tips on How to Become Conversational in Japanese

Booking Accommodation in Japanese

Before you can book a place to stay, you'll need to know what type of accommodation you want to stay in. Let's take a look at some phrases that might come in handy.

Practice Your Pronunciation With Rocket Record

Rocket Record lets you perfect your Japanese pronunciation. Just listen to the native speaker audio and then use the microphone icon to record yourself. Once you’re done, you’ll get a score out of 100 on your pronunciation and can listen to your own audio playback. (Use a headset mic for best results.) Problems? Click here!


いい ホテル を しょうかい して ください。

Ī hoteru o shōkai shite kudasai.

Please recommend a good hotel.


やすい ホテル を しょうかい して ください。

Yasui hoteru o shōkai shite kudasai.

Please recommend a cheap hotel.


りょかん を しょうかい して ください。

Ryokan o shōkai shite kudasai.

Please recommend a Japanese-style inn.


しずかな ホテル を しょうかい して ください。

Shizuka na hoteru o shōkai shite kudasai.

Please recommend a quiet hotel.


みんしゅく を しょうかい して ください。

Minshuku o shōkai shite kudasai.

Please recommend a guesthouse.

A japanese hotel

Asking for Directions

Once you have decided where to stay, you need to find out how to get there. Here are some phrases that will come in handy.


ユース ホステル は どこ に あります か?

Yūsu-hosuteru wa doko ni arimasu ka?

Where is the youth hostel?


キャンプじょう は どこ に あります か?

Kyanpujō wa doko ni arimasu ka?

Where is the campground?


ていこく ホテル へ いく に は どう いったら いい です か?

Teikoku Hoteru e iku ni wa dō ittara ī desu ka?

How do (I) get to the Imperial Hotel?


タクシー のりば は どこ です か?

Takushī noriba wa doko desu ka?

Where is the taxi stand?


ていこく ホテル へ いく に は どの バス で いったら いい です か?

Teikoku Hoteru e iku ni wa dono basu de ittara ī desu ka?

Which bus goes to Imperial Hotel?


ていこく ホテル へ いく に は どの でんしゃ で いったら いい です か?

Teikoku Hoteru e iku ni wa dono densha de ittara ī desu ka?

Which train goes to the Imperial Hotel?

Japanese transport

Useful Phrases

A taxi ride can get quite expensive in Japan, so it's a good idea to ask for the price before you hop in. Public transport is usually punctual and reasonably fast. Here are some important words and phrases for you to remember when you're trying to get to your accommodation.


ていこく ホテル まで おねがいします。

Teikoku Hoteru made onegaishimasu.

To the Imperial Hotel, please.


ていこく ホテル まで おいくら です か?

Teikoku Hoteru made oikura desu ka?

How much does (it) cost to the Imperial Hotel?


とおい です か?

Tōi desu ka?

Is (it) far?




more or less / generally / on the whole


ていこく ホテル へ いきます か?

Teikoku Hoteru e ikimasu ka?

(Will you) go to the Imperial Hotel?


ホテル の ちかく に バスてい は あります か?

Hoteru no chikaku ni basutei wa arimasu ka?

Is there a bus stop close to the hotel?


タクシー のりば

takushī noriba

taxi stand




bus stop



train station





Well, that’s it for now!

Here are a few recommended Japanese lessons to try next:

また こんど! (Mata kondo!)

Sayaka Matsuura: Rocket Japanese

Make It Stick With Rocket Reinforcement

Reinforce your learning from this lesson with the Rocket Reinforcement activities!