Rocket Languages Reviews

Find out what actual users have to say about our courses through their Rocket Languages reviews.

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4968 Customer Reviews

5 Stars

76.5% (3802)

4 Stars

15.3% (762)

3 Stars

4.9% (245)

2 Stars

2.1% (105)

1 Star

1.1% (54)

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Matthew Schwartz

Matthew Schwartz

Rocket Spanish
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I have just started using Rocket Language Spanish Premium and I am loving different approaches to making the language stick. The Rocket Record has been tremendously helping me with my pronunciation. I look forward to seeing how far this program brings me in learning a new language.

Diana E Prichard

Diana E Prichard

Rocket Spanish
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I love learning Spanish with Rocket Languages. Even though I am not even half way through my lessons, I am able to translate more Spanish language texts and understand more when I am listening to others speaking Spanish. There are so many ways to learn a language with Rocket but I use all of them. And writing has recently been added which reinforces everything else I have learned. I've also started listening to Telemundo which reinforces the learning too. It has really been fun.

Niaz Hussain

Niaz Hussain


Rocket French
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I am really satisfied with the course. It is highly appreciating. Because you have prepared it in a such way that it is very easy for any person who does not have a little knowledge even does not read and write can easily learn French language in the matter of weeks . You really deserve hats off. Niaz Hussain

Rahim M

Rahim M


Rocket Spanish
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Rocket Spanish is great! I started using Rocket Spanish a few months before travelling to Mexico and I was amazed at how much I learned. I have been to Mexico a number of times, but this vacation was so much more enjoyable because I was able to talk to locals in their own language. Once, I am done all the Rocket Spanish modules I will be purchasing the Korean course. I am no longer intimidated at the thought of learning a new language thanks to Rocket Languages.

KD Keso

Kd Keso

Glen Allen, VA , United States

Rocket Chinese
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This approach was so much easier for me. It helped that the information is chunked, this means I can make time in my busy schedule as well as not feeling overwhelmed by the information being presented. Certainly the value for the money is excellent, especially compared to other language programs.

daniel muhame

Daniel Muhame


Rocket French
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Rocket French is an excellent way of learning French very fast. I had many difficulties in French but since I came across this program by chance on the internet, I decided to use it and see if it would work for me. Now, I have found out that it is the best of all other programs I have already discovered on the net. I recommend it to all the persons that are interested in Learning French very fast.

Kathleen Harper

Kathleen Harper

Rocket German
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I compared several language programs and test-drove Rocket German before I purchased the whole series. Rocket Languages is so well-designed - it accommodates most people's learning preferences and provides a great deal of engaging learning opportunities. The audio portion is fun and useful; the practice (especially the recording feature) is SO helpful; the new feature that allows me to practice writing is extremely helpful; the games help reinforce what you learn in a competitive way; the forum is a great place to connect with other learners and ask questions (or find answers if you're too timid to post your own!) ... I use Rocket Languages *nearly* every day and have noticed how well I'm retaining and using German as I continue taking these lessons.

As a student of German in college, I thought that over the years I'd "lost" the language as I haven't had much opportunity to use what I knew... but taking this language course has showed me that I hadn't lost it at all... the more I study RL, the more words from my past lessons come back to me.

And the price for all three courses is very reasonable, particularly with 24/7 access. Online learning can be "iffy" ... but Rocket Languages has it figured out. I design online courses for a living and can vouch for the integrity of theory and quality of the instructional design of these courses. It's great stuff!

Karen Stapleford

Karen Stapleford

Portland, OR

Rocket French
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I have been off and on in my learning, but it's nice to know that Rocket French is always available! So, even though I haven't been able to take classes at the local college, I can still work on learning French. Also, I haven't checked out the news in awhile, but I just read about the iOS app for my iPhone! Yay!!

Karen Stapleford

Karen Stapleford

Rocket German
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I have been off and on in my learning, but it's nice to know that Rocket French is always available! So, even though I haven't been able to take classes at the local college, I can still work on learning French. Also, I haven't checked out the news in awhile, but I just read about the iOS app for my iPhone! Yay!!

Thomas Smith

Thomas Smith

New Mexico , United States

Rocket Spanish
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Everything you need to start learning Spanish. I have tried Fluenz which is great, but who has time to complete an hour or two long lesson every day?? With Rocket Spanish you determine what you need everyday. Great!