Rocket Arabic Reviews

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4968 Customer Reviews

5 Stars

76.5% (3802)

4 Stars

15.3% (762)

3 Stars

4.9% (245)

2 Stars

2.1% (105)

1 Star

1.1% (54)

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Liina Ostumaa

Liina Ostumaa


Rocket Arabic
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It really teaches language well. I am learning Egyptian Arabic and I love how Rocket Arabic is teaching to talk, read and write. Good tests and good well organised audio lessons. The most important is to be learning yourself and this app is really helpful. Well useable in phone or laptop any time.

James Eitel

James Eitel

Oakland CA , United States

Rocket Arabic
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I've wanted to study arabic for a long time so was very happpy to find Rocket. The way things progress, the way it's organized faciltate learning very well. My only wish is that were more explanation for how to navigate the different section, especially the one with microphone.

Graeme Cox

Graeme Cox

VIC , Australia

Rocket Arabic
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I have previously tried Rocket German which was good and Rocket Arabic is of an equal standard. I like the way that early lessons are structured towards a tourist who just wants to "master" a few basic phrases which can then be built on. In this respect the lesson material is spot on. The only comment I would make is that for those people who do not want to learn to write Arabic, it would be more helpful if the feedback in the voice recognition related to the romanised words rather than the Arabic. However, overall it is hard to beat Rocket Arabic for the features it offers. As an experienced traveller who likes to be able to say a few words in the language of whatever country I am in, I know that there are two things that are essential in a language programme. The first is the chance to rehearse useful phrases so that they can roll off the tongue fairly easily. The second is the chance to attune your ear to native speakers saying everyday things at a normal speed. Rocket Arabic delivers on these two fronts in spades.

Alison David

Alison David

Milano , Italy

Rocket Arabic
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The first time I tried the lessons I just said ‘noooo, I can’t do this, Arabic is toooo hard’. But after a few times I’m starting to understand and remember a few words and sounds.
I’m a language teacher, and I’m really impressed with the course so far.

Paul Knechtges

Paul Knechtges

United States

Rocket Arabic
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I'm just starting, but already this course is getting me excited about learning. The teaching style is easy to understand, and I enjoy the flow of conversation, and pacing of the course in general.
After purchasing Rocket Arabic I immediately went and bought Rocket German and Rocket American Sign Language. So far I'm very happy with all three, and am excited to have unfettered access to this massive wealth of learning material.

Caleb Schultink

Caleb Schultink

Geelong/Victoria , Australia

Rocket Arabic
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Great lessons, which bring you in at a manageable rate. I like the way flash card reviews are included with spaced repetition.
Letters that are not in English are usefully emphasised.
I would like some explicit grammar and better writing lessons.

My rating for the price is for me personally. I am flat broke and it is nearly $Aus150 in Australia. If I wasn't desperate to learn, I wouldn't have bought it.

Constance Brown

Constance Brown

New Orleans , United States

Rocket Arabic
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So far I've only taken two classes in Egyptian Arabic and it's awesome ! I am so happy to finally be learning a new language.
What I really like is that the interface is great, but the content is actually quite good too ! I love the fact that the person teaching you through the audios is super nice and very encouraging. The pace (beginner) is very good because it lets you understand each word and then put them together. Most of all : it explains the roots of certain words and describe how the language actually works... So far I'm just loving it.

William Shepherd

William Shepherd

Alaska , United States

Rocket Arabic
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Just completed the introductory course in Rocket Arabic and it was very approachable. Arabic has a reputation for high difficulty but the way the information was presented in the lesson kept the experience from feeling overwhelming. I am looking forward to my second lesson after I practice the first a few times more.

Carole Kincaid

Carole Kincaid

Milwaukee , United States

Rocket Arabic
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I took a regular class of Japanese for 12 weeks .It was very difficult. It was mostly grammar and Writing skills. By supplementing it with Rocket Japanese I was able to say practical sentences for many situations and develop some fluency. I was so happy with my 1st language, I added Rocket Arabic. It is very challenging but with Rocket I feel I am making slow steary progress pronouncing it correctly.

Yousuf hossain

Yousuf Hossain

Dhaka , Bangladesh

Rocket Arabic
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I am satisfied with the service and I I have been sitting in front of my monitor for hours to learn the language
I mark with a star for my own collection which also is a nice service - to listen to them while I have no time to sit down at my desk.