Rocket French Reviews

Find out what actual users have to say about our courses through their Rocket French reviews.

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4968 Customer Reviews

5 Stars

76.5% (3802)

4 Stars

15.3% (762)

3 Stars

4.9% (245)

2 Stars

2.1% (105)

1 Star

1.1% (54)

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Clive Ridley

Rocket French
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Excellent training aid. Challenging without becoming boring or monotonous.
Good value product. I am very impressed with how much I have learnt and retained during the course. Often due to other priorities, I have to miss lessons for a couple of weeks or so. However, when I return it takes very little time to get back into the course

Daniel Fritz

Daniel Fritz


Rocket French
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Hi. I've just started using the Rocket French software and so far I'm finding it very user friendly. I'm finding the audio lessons great and the other learning tools very helpful eg. hear it/say it. At a quick glance I think the forums will be a great tool to use when I get more experienced. Android app is a great idea, will be using this. Not sure if there is a live chat function included to talk to other students, this may be an improvement opportunity for rocket languages. Not a big issue, plenty of other ways to do live chats on interweb. Over all I am finding it a great product.

Kevin Foley

Kevin Foley

Kempton Pennsylvania

Rocket French
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Excellent program that quickly sucks you into the activities of Paul and Claire in such a way that you begin to look forward to the evening session. Having last studied French when I was 15, I find the program digging words from deep in my memory and attaching them with sentences and verbs.




Rocket French
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Rocket French!!! This is what I, as a linguist with a knowledge of three European languages, find perfect. Being a linguist means being scrupulous and picky in grammar, vocabulary, explanations, games, tests, etc. re the course under discussion. Still, I find it perfect. Rocket French is with me on every step of my way to learning French. I wish I had more time to enjoy this experience.

Tania  Josephs

Tania Josephs

Cape Town

Rocket French
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I am only using the free trial period (for now) and I am very impressed with the content, that as soon as I'm able to I am purchasing the full French course. Thank for for a superb website that offers more than you'd expect to get for free.

Terry vanderwey

Terry Vanderwey

Rocket French
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I have been using Rocket French for just over a month and I can already see and feel the improvement. I love that I can download the audio lessons onto my iPod so I can take my learning on the go. Having the support always available is also another awesome feature so I don't ever feel I'm on my own when I'm unsure about something. This was a good choice!




Rocket French
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I'd like to thanks both of guys who did this amazing course. It was really so easy to memorize every words and phrases. I'd love to study especially if it is so easy. I advice for everyone who's search for the way to studying French to use only this course.
Thanks again.



United States

Rocket French
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I like the pacing of the lessons, and the sound of the Paul & Marie's voice. The forum's are a great resource for supplemental ideas to enhance learning the language. The iphone app is very helpful, as I can listen to a lesson on my morning commute.

Gary wages

Gary Wages

falcon north carolina

Rocket French
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I have always wanted to learn and speak French. this Rocket French course is good, very very comprehensive, and covers a lot of material. I am not so shy now to speak French as I was. Wonderful course.

William Andrew

William Andrew

Chives Poitou Charente

Rocket French
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Succinct words will not describe my admiration of your company and courses; My original course was purchased in 2007. I have purchased three with a positive outlook that they will be completed. Despite life getting in the way of my dream to speak French (now living in France).

I have felt that you (Rocket French) have been quietly working in the background keeping me in the loop. Reminding me from time to time that your courses are improving faster than my commitment to my goals.

Most and best of all the quality of Rocket French shines through. No time limits no pressure. Five star rating for background staff. One time having login problems imagine my discomfort and concern, when this email paled my problems into insignificance.

Hi Andrew,
Thank you for your email. I apologize for the delay in responding. We are based in Christchurch, New Zealand, and have just been hit by a major earthquake. Fortunately everyone from our office is safe, but it has taken us a couple of days to get back online.

I have added all of your purchases to your yahoo login. Please let me know if you have any further questions or issues.

Kind regards
Margaret Gardner
Rocket Languages Ltd

I am now trying to work as hard at my French as you so delivering yours.
With respect
Andrew Whatling
17510 Chives France