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Japanese Travel phrases

Don’t leave home without this free audio lesson on Japanese travel phrases!

How do you ask 'when' and 'where' in Japanese? How do you ask when the bus leaves or the train arrives? When does the museum open? Where can you find a tourist information center? Essential travel phrases for your Japanese survival kit, right?

Listen to the pronunciation, and practice these common questions and Japanese travel phrases aloud. We’ve made it real easy to follow and you'll never have an excuse to be late or lost in Japan!

Resources for further reading:

Common Japanese travel phrases

Practice Your Pronunciation With Rocket Record

Rocket Record lets you perfect your Japanese pronunciation. Just listen to the native speaker audio and then use the microphone icon to record yourself. Once you’re done, you’ll get a score out of 100 on your pronunciation and can listen to your own audio playback. (Use a headset mic for best results.) Problems? Click here!


はくぶつかん は なんじ に あきます か

Hakubutsukan wa nanji ni akimasu ka?

When is the museum open?


はくぶつかん は なんじ に しまります か

Hakubutsukan wa nanji ni shimarimasu ka?

When is the museum closed?


スーパー は なんじ に あきます か

Sūpā wa nanji ni akimasu ka?

When is the supermarket open?


やっきょく は なんじ に あきます か

Yakkyoku wa nanji ni akimasu ka?

When is the pharmacy open?


バス は なんじ に しゅっぱつ します か

Basu wa nanji ni shupattsu shimasu ka?

When does the bus leave?


でんしゃ は なんじ に はっしゃ します か

Densha wa nanji ni hassha shimasu ka?

When does the train leave?

Japanese tourist attaction


ひこうき は なんじ に しゅっぱつ します か

Hikōki wa nanji ni shuppatsu shimasu ka?

When does the flight leave?


バス は なんじ に つきます か

Basu wa nanji ni tsukimasu ka?

When does the bus arrive?


でんしゃ は なんじ に とうちゃく します か

Densha wa nanji ni tōchaku shimasu ka?

When does the train arrive?


ひこうき は なんじ に とうちゃく します か

Hikōki wa nanji ni tōchaku shimasu ka?

When does the flight arrive?


いつ とまります か

Itsu tomarimasu ka?

When do we stop?


いつ やすみます か

Itsu yasumimasu ka?

When do we have a break?


えいが は なんじ から です か

Eiga wa nanji kara desu ka?

When does the movie start?


おしばい/げき は なんじ から です か

Oshibai/geki wa nanji kara desu ka?

When does the theater start?


しあい は なんじ から です か

Shiai wa nanji kara desu ka?

When does the game start?

One of the first questions you might want to ask when arriving in an unfamiliar city could be…


かんこう あんない じょう は どこ です か

Kankō annai jo wa doko desu ka?

Where can I find the tourist information center?

A japanese city

Some smaller cities in Japan don’t have tourist information centers. You might have to rely on asking the locals. Here are some useful questions you might need…


はくぶつかん は どこ です か

Hakubutsukan wa doko desu ka?

Where is the museum?


びじゅつかん は どこ です か

Bijutsukan wa doko desu ka?

Where is the art exhibition?


おとしもの あずかりしょ は どこ です か

Otoshimono azukarisho wa doko desu ka?

Where is the lost property office?


えき は どこ です か

Eki wa doko desu ka?

Where is the train station?


バスてい は どこ です か

Basutei wa doko desu ka?

Where is the bus stop?


びょういん は どこ です か

Byōin wa doko desu ka?

Where is the hospital?


おいしゃさん は どこ です か

Oisha-san wa doko desu ka?

Where is the doctor?


こうしゅう トイレ は どこ です か

Kōshū toire wa doko desu ka?

Where is the restroom?


ぎんこう は どこ です か

Ginkō wa doko desu ka?

Where is the bank?

Credit cards are not as widely used in Japan as they are in England or America for example, so you might have to exchange some money.


がいか りょうがえ は どこ で できます か

Gaika ryōgae wa doko de dekimasu ka?

Where can I exchange money?


がいか りょうがえ まどぐち は どこ に あります か

Gaika ryōgae madoguchi wa doko ni arimasu ka?

Where can I find a money exchange counter?

That’s it for today. I hope you enjoyed the lesson!

Why not check out some more lessons on Japanese phrases next?

Mata ne!

Sayaka Matsuura: Rocket Japanese

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