Find out what actual users have to say about our courses through their Rocket Languages reviews.
Well hello rocket languages is so cool because it is now teaching me some important knowledge in French also after learning French l want to learn German on this website after learning German l learned already 4 languages then l would learn all the languages
I think this method is very useful to me because any time you like you can use this site even in another country. Even if you have no time to learn as you are so busy , you can find this rocket spanish leads you to memorise the important phrase in your bed.
Rocket Italian has been a fantastic help to me learning Italiano. I still consider myself a novice speaker but much less of a novice than I was at the start. The interactive audio is a great way to practise the language because you feel you are participating. This makes the learning feel more empowering for me. I love the part at the end of the interactive conversations where you can test your learning. The three types of testing really help to cement the language for me. Another part I love is the question section in the Rocket Italian package. I have learned a lot from reading questions and answers. I like the flexible nature of the package; you can dip in to any part of it at any time because you don't have to work through it in serial style.
Rocket Languages is the best language learning course I have used, including going to University! I can go to it any time, and love the microphone where I can hear my own sentences against the tutors.
I am just starting. I am very optimistic that I will learn to speak Spanish. I was in Spain last year to Santiago de Campostela. I wanted to go back, so I decided to take this class, so I could be a little bit fluent in the language. I am hoping that after the Rocket Spanish study, I could go to Spain and enroll in one of those immersion classes. I don't want to go and be a beginner. I want to be a little more advanced.
Sign Language is pretty good, but I wish there was more of a way to test where I am at. I am not sure how well I grasp the concepts because there is not really any interaction...It is a good way to learn by yourself though.
I started with Rocket French in 2006, but didn't complete it. I returned now after 8 years, and was allowed to continue without any hassles. For me, that is outstanding service! The course is easy and fun to follow.
Rocket Spanish provides a multitude of different learning styles, including audio, visual, and kinesthetic in order to maximize learning potential for each individual. It uses techniques such as repetition, direct involvement, and passive listening, all spaced out accordingly, so that the words and phrases you learn during each lesson "stick" very well. Overall, a very good product; I would recommend it to others, and hopes it helps me in my goal of semi-fluency for practicing medicine in the future!
The lessons are very straight forward and the testing methodology really drives the lessons home. You can practice and hear you own voice lined up against the instructor. This is very help as I often believe that I have spoken a word correctly only to find out what I hear recorded is much different than the original.
The best language program I've come across. It has everything: speaking, writing, listening, notes, grammar, culture and multiple tests to check whether the lesson is understood. Very complete. I have recommended it to several people.