Rocket Russian Reviews

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4968 Customer Reviews

5 Stars

76.5% (3802)

4 Stars

15.3% (762)

3 Stars

4.9% (245)

2 Stars

2.1% (105)

1 Star

1.1% (54)

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Walt Morris

Walt Morris

United States

Rocket Russian
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Is good interactive . Is easy to do a little each day

Sebastian Roehling

Sebastian Roehling


Rocket Russian
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I've been an avid language learner for years now. I've dabbled in using various training programs and the like, but I decided to give Rocket Russian a try because I felt like it was worth a try to experiment and see just how quickly I could learn this language.
I've only been at it for a week, and I am blown away.
Literally, all it takes is daily consistency, and a commitment to finishing at least one lesson a day, plus, reviewing the lessons you've already covered, just so that it stays fresh in your mind.
Specifically, here are two things that I like about Rocket Russian:
1. The amount of resources. Not only can you download all your audio lessons and pdfs, but you also have various practice methods prepared and available, such as flash cards and multiple choice questions.
2. The length and structure of the lessons. Each lesson last between 15 and 20 minutes, and each lesson begins with a quick review of the previous lesson. The pace of the lessons is also just right - not only will you hear conversations spoken at regular speed, but each word will be broken down and explained slowly. This is extremely convenient, because I find that even without paying 100% attention to a lesson, when I'm driving, for example, I find myself repeating words and phrases almost unconsciously.

Blaine Duncan

Blaine Duncan

macon/ Georgia , United States

Rocket Russian
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I am very satisfied with rocket. It makes it so easy to learn Russian. I will tell my friends about it.

David Mackenzie-crooks

David Mackenzie-crooks

Crickhowell Wales , United Kingdom

Rocket Russian
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Early days,but impressed so far. I already speak some Russian but decided to start from the beginning, which was a good idea as my pronunciation was suspect. I think the price is very reasonable and,so far, well structured. Ask me again in a month!
My only adverse comment would be the less than optimal quality of the voice recognition. On one word I scored -150% followed by + 100% on the second attempt.

James Shay

James Shay

Florida , United States

Rocket Russian
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The thing that caught my eye about this product was the one time payment. I would much rather pay a hefty fee once than a small one over the course of the year, only to have to cancel it at a later date. It's a small thing, but super nice to me because now I feel no rush to practice or study. I've read a couple other reviews and would like to address that for any would be buyers: First off, the biggest complaint I see in the reviews is the voice recognition software sucks. So what? Don't use it. I've had this product for a while now and I've never used the voice recognition thing, not because it's bad but rather just because I don't need to. I listen to this when I'm jogging, or in a cafe, and I mumble the phrases back if at all. I practice by myself at home too. You don't need a microphone or a computer to repeat what you hear. The other con is the price, and like I addressed earlier, it may not be free but it's better than most free products such as Duolingo, and it's far better than subscription-based services. All I can say is this is working really well for me, and I whole heartedly recommend it. Haven't needed the customer service yet, but I'm sure it's as good as everything else.

Ronald Buchle

Ronald Buchle

United States

Rocket Russian
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Not truly rating yet, Really, I just started it. Only on lesson 1.1. Not sufficient to judge. Using this along with other sources, Penguin book, Living languages CDs and Duolingo and Master Russian online, plus a few other lesser sources. Plus I'm already familiar with the Cyrillic alphabet as I used it in the Air Force back in 1962-4. I'm 76 now and not in a hurry as I have no place to use Russian, just keeping the brain active. Thus most of the vocabulary and some of the theory of lessons 1.1 and 1.2, I already am already familiar with from the other sources. Each course also has differing additional vocabulary. Having said that, I do like being able to hear and mimic the pronunciations and working through the exercises to help remember the vocabulary. It is impossible to rate a program so soon. I would prefer to do my rating after a month or so when I really know what to rate. Stay tuned.


Silvano Alessi


Rocket Russian
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Finally I found the right course to learn Russian.

Ilias Katsaniotis

Ilias Katsaniotis

Kliningrand , Russian Federation

Rocket Russian
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Great course, thank you. It would be better to have a table of comparison with Babbel (German company). They appear you to the same level but you are better.

Philip Swan

Philip Swan

Birmingham , United Kingdom

Rocket Russian
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Although I like the system employed, and it is certainly better than the so called market leader, there are some elements which could be improved.

The most frustrating thing for me is the translation facility which is sooooooo slow. How much better it would be if the translation could be downloaded somehow instead of relying on a live connection.

The other obvious point is that it is not possible to use Rocket Language if there is no internet connection

Nicholas Milbourn

Nicholas Milbourn

West Midlands , United Kingdom

Rocket Russian
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The customer service is completely non existent. I have tried a few language courses over the years and this is by far the worst. It would be helpful to get a response but even that basic service eludes this company. The product offered might be useful if you could only get to it. Finding answers is like pulling your own teeth out. The company offers to learn a language fast ........yeah ok but it takes three days of waiting for.......... Nothing no response. Disgusting

Note from Rocket Languages: Hi Nicholas, thanks for your feedback. We are very sorry to hear you aren't happy with our courses. Our Customer Support Team has sent you a follow-up message to solve any issues you might have. All the best with your language learning! Your Rocket Languages Team