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Forum Rocket Spanish Spanish - Grammar Difference between alli / alla / aquel ?

Difference between alli / alla / aquel ?



Can someone tell me the difference between alli / alla /aquel. Could you used them in a sentence for me (en espanol). Will (a newbe) P.S. I don't know how to get accent marks over the vowels from my PC keyboard?


I'll leave it to someone else to distinguish between *allí *and *allá*. Both mean "there." *Aquel* is an adjective meaning "that," as in "*aquel coche*" - that car. *Aquél*, with an accent over the e, is a pronoun; it means "that one," as in "*aquél es el mío*" - that one is mine. As for how to get accent marks over your letters, there was an earlier thread in which I talked about several ways to do it. See my two messages in *__*


Hola, alli is "right there" (close) Alla is further away "over there" Aquel is also further away when refering to a noun, as Nohablo dijo, if you and I are looking at a car that's fairly close, (not right next to us) I could say ese carro. But if it's much further away, I would say aquel carro. This car...este carro That car (close) ese carro That car (far away) aquel carro


Thanks all: I am begining to understand aquel, as an adjective. But, still hazy on alli and alla. What part of grammer are they? Could someone use them in a sentence. Will


OK, here's an explanation from my favorite grammar reference, _*¡Búscalo!: A Quick Reference Guide to Spanish Grammar and Usage*_ by William Clarkson and Guillermo Campos: *Ahí* translates _there_ when referring to a place near the person addressed. *Allí* translates _there_ when referring to a location considered distant from the speaker. *Allá *usually replaces *allí* with verbs of motion when referring to a location considered vague and far from the speaker. *Más allá* translates _further on_ or _beyond_. ¿Qué tienes tú *ahí*? (What do you have _there_?) Ellos se fueron al rancho ayer. Nosotros vamos a estar *allí* pasado mañana. (They went to the ranch yesterday. We wil be _there_ the day after tomorrow.) ¡Mira! *Allá* van subiendo la cuesta de la montaña. (Look! _There_ they go up the slope of the mountain.) Está *más allá* del parque. (It is _beyond_ the park.) I hope that helps. Also, I want to say again how much I LOVE the book this came from. It's a small, relatively inexpensive paperback that amazingly has answered almost all the questions I've had. When I need an even more in-depth discussion, I turn to Butt and Benjamin's _*A New Reference Grammar of Modern Spanish*_. But 95% of the time, _*¡Búscalo!*_ has been sufficient for my needs. (Of course, as I learn more, that may change, but still....)


Gracias para su ayuda. Entiendo ahora. Will

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