Forum Rocket Spanish Spanish - Grammar Of "es" and "eres"

Of "es" and "eres"



In the course we are told "es muy amble" means "you're very kind". Why not use eres? Does "es" also mean "you are"?


it's a case of the formal vs. informal you form. Ud. es muy amable vs Tú eres muy amable I've learned that the form of "you" you use is dependent on who you are talking to.


Thanks I.E.! It's great to have somewhere to go with questions


Just to expand a little on the use of es or eres. Es is the formal "you" therefore you would use it in this example if you did not know the person you are talking to or you wanted to show a degree of respect. Such as a teacher or an older person or your boss. Eres is the informal "you" which you would use if talking with someone you knew well or perhaps a younger or junior person.


Thanks sjlkh! I did a little research after I posted my question and found it. Donno why I never noticed it before! I think I just had it stuck in my head that "es" meant "is". Regards!


Es does mean "is" and goes with the third persons él, ella, and usted. Es and está are to the third person as eres and estás are to the second person. Es means a more permanent situation such as "Él es profesor" and está usually means a less permanent situation such as "Él está enfermo". In the second person (tú) eres and estás work the same way. Eres is used for more permanent situations and estás is used in more temporary situations. Sjlkh is correct in saying the está and es are used for formal situations and tú and estás are used for informal situations. Hope this helps.


Hi James R5! EVERY little bit helps! lol!! My brain is still categorizing this stuff. Thanks for the reply! T63


I've also been pondering this. Can't wait till this stuff becomes second nature.

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