Rocket Languages Reviews

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5095 Customer Reviews

5 Stars

78.7% (4012)

4 Stars

14.0% (715)

3 Stars

3.9% (201)

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1.4% (73)

1 Star

1.8% (94)

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Ann Malden

Ann Malden

Rocket Spanish
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Awesome course - easy to follow, and the pronunciation for all lessons is very helpful. The tests are fun, and it is great to be able to go back and review the lessons when ever necessary for a refresher.

Thanks Rocket Spanish

Michael Wainwright

Michael Wainwright

Rocket Sign Language
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Within one week I have learned the sign language alphabet. I am very pleased with the program. The videos are very well done and I am looking forward to becoming more proficient at the phrases. Thank you!!

William Morton

William Morton

Rocket Spanish
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Buenos días,

Permítame presentarme, me llamo Bill. Soy de Estados Unidos, vivo en Little Rock, Arcansas. Después de estudiar las lecciones en español de Pimsleur todavía he querido aprender más español, así que compre Rocket Spanish. He encontrado el curso ser muy bueno, especialmente con las partes del cuerpo, las habitaciones de la casa, los artículos de ropa, la comida española etc.

Mauricio habla ingles con un acento australiano pero su español es de Chile, y he América latina y sin embargo es muy bueno para nosotros norte americanos que quieren aprender ese idioma, para hablar español en sus vacaciones, con sus amigos hispánicos en estados unidos y para hacer viajes de negocios en América latina. Apropósito la cuesta del curso es muy razonable y muy barato, también Mauricio va a darme un regalo por este testimonial, pero todavía es verdad y me gustaría que todas las personas que quisieran aprender español, especialmente los novicios como yo, deben darle mucha consideración, cuando usted va a compran un programa para aprender Español, lo que va a ayudarle más va hacer lo que usted va a usar más, y Rocket Spanish como no es lo mismo. Ojala que usted va hablar español por todas las razones a que necesita y creo que Rocket Spanish va ayudarle para llegar al el lugar que necesita estar.

Paul Holroyd

Paul Holroyd

North Lancashire

Rocket Italian
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I have been inspired to learn Italian following a recent holiday to Italy. Rocket Languages Italian is everything it claims to be, and lives up to all the reviews I read. Even just speaking the words and phrases from the first lessons is encouraging me to carry on

Miguel Barba

Miguel Barba


Rocket French
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I use to copy the lessons to my smart phone, and reproduce it at my car during the horrible traffic at Mexico City. When I arrive at the office I check the spelling of he words in doubt. The presenters have an excellent pronunciation and they adapt the speed to the proper level.

Michael Wainwright

Michael Wainwright

Rocket Spanish
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Within one week I have learned the sign language alphabet. I am very pleased with the program. The videos are very well done and I am looking forward to becoming more proficient at the phrases. Thank you!!

Jim Fariss

Jim Fariss

United States

Rocket German
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Rocket German is one part of my tools to learn German. What I like about Rocket German is "throwing" you into the language and having to speak real German in real conversations. I really like the new dashboard, it makes it much easier to follow my progress and have gone back to pickup those areas I missed or was weak in.

Dale  Pitt

Dale Pitt

Shady Spring, WV , United States

Rocket Spanish
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I am well pleased with the first few lessons, although I am still finding my way around. I am 68 years old and am studying Spanish to keep my mind active and look forward to the challenges ahead. On occasion, I meet interesting people who speak Spanish, but are limited in English and I would like to communicate with them.

Izzet Yildiz

Izzet Yildiz

Rocket French
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I really liked the fact that I can work on Rocket Language at my own pace. Listening the pronunciation of words from a native speaker really helps me to excel at speaking. I would recommend Rocket to all my friends who are trying to learn a new language.

Theopisti Kaklamanou

Theopisti Kaklamanou

Rocket Spanish
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It's been a while since I started learning a new language and rocket languages offered me an excellent learning tool at the comfort of my own home and at my own pace . The new improvements motivated me and I really want to use this method for learning more than one lanquage. One of the best methods for self learning.