Rocket Languages Reviews

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4968 Customer Reviews

5 Stars

76.5% (3802)

4 Stars

15.3% (762)

3 Stars

4.9% (245)

2 Stars

2.1% (105)

1 Star

1.1% (54)

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Gary wages

Gary Wages

falcon north carolina

Rocket French
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I have always wanted to learn and speak French. this Rocket French course is good, very very comprehensive, and covers a lot of material. I am not so shy now to speak French as I was. Wonderful course.

William Andrew

William Andrew

Chives Poitou Charente

Rocket French
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Succinct words will not describe my admiration of your company and courses; My original course was purchased in 2007. I have purchased three with a positive outlook that they will be completed. Despite life getting in the way of my dream to speak French (now living in France).

I have felt that you (Rocket French) have been quietly working in the background keeping me in the loop. Reminding me from time to time that your courses are improving faster than my commitment to my goals.

Most and best of all the quality of Rocket French shines through. No time limits no pressure. Five star rating for background staff. One time having login problems imagine my discomfort and concern, when this email paled my problems into insignificance.

Hi Andrew,
Thank you for your email. I apologize for the delay in responding. We are based in Christchurch, New Zealand, and have just been hit by a major earthquake. Fortunately everyone from our office is safe, but it has taken us a couple of days to get back online.

I have added all of your purchases to your yahoo login. Please let me know if you have any further questions or issues.

Kind regards
Margaret Gardner
Rocket Languages Ltd

I am now trying to work as hard at my French as you so delivering yours.
With respect
Andrew Whatling
17510 Chives France



United States

Rocket Spanish
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This is an excellent program from several aspects. First, it is probably the most cost effective option out as to providing bang for the buck. Secondly it approaches the learning experience from several angles. You have audio and visual reinforcement. The audio lessons are very comprehensive and can be listened to while you are driving. The manual is very well written (lot of work was put into this) and goes hand in hand with the audio material. The vocabulary app helps reinforce the material in a fun way. This a very comprehensive program and well worth the money.



Rocket Chinese
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Easy to learn and pick up. Navigation and explanations and simple and good to understand, which is great. I like the point system too and how the process of how far you have gotten.

Too bad my friends have no interest in other languages, otherwise I would spam this site to them and recommend it non stop to them :) 10/10



United States

Rocket Spanish
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The Spanish course does an adequate job of starting one learning the language. The technique used is anything but new as I have used it over many years for two of the several languages I know. The price for the first set of lessons is reasonable at less than $100 but then the price escalates.



Rocket Chinese
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There are many good tools to practice Chinese. I really like the rocket record where you can compare the pronunciation with Chinese speaking people. The only thing that I am missing is that there should be a prepared vocabulary for each chapter.



Rocket Italian
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Really enjoying Rocket Language Italian. Still working out how best to structure my learning. There are so many components; revision, tests, audio and play backs, language and culture etc. Has taken a while to work out pathways and how to work between different sections but not complaining. Its really good.



Rocket French
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Having tried a couple of different options for learning French; this one is by far the best! I particularly like the lively dialogues, flexible access 24/7, personalised dashboard, the ability to measure and rate my progress and the option to participate in a learning community. I can heartily recommend Rocket French!




Rocket Hindi
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mera nam Davit hai, main armenia se ai hou
i like
i can learn telugu,too.
i can learn tamil, too.
i like hindi films and movies.i like hindi films and movies.i like hindi films and movies.i like hindi films and movies.



United States

Rocket German
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As a youngster could only speak German. Had to learn English in grade school. Now 60 some years later can hardly recall any German. Am enjoying reliving my youth by going back to my roots and relearning German.
Danke, Rocket Languages