Hobbies in German

Being able to talk about hobbies in German can be a great way to get to know someone better. So how do you tell people what you like to do in German?

After this free audio lesson you’ll be able to talk about sports, music, cooking, traveling and more – whatever it is you enjoy doing in your spare time. Just as importantly, you’ll also be able to ask new friends and colleagues about their hobbies in German. Sharing common interests is a really good way to build new friendships.

So tell me about yourself…

Resources for further reading:

How to pronounce hobbies in German

Practice Your Pronunciation With Rocket Record

Rocket Record lets you perfect your German pronunciation. Just listen to the native speaker audio and then use the microphone icon to record yourself. Once you’re done, you’ll get a score out of 100 on your pronunciation and can listen to your own audio playback. (Use a headset mic for best results.) Problems? Click here!

Meine Lieblingsbeschäftigung ist…

My favorite activity is...

Was machst du am liebsten?

What do you like doing best?

Die Freizeit

The free time

Ich bin ein Fan von...

I'm a fan of...

Was sind deine Hobbies?

What are you hobbies?

Was machst du in deiner Freizeit?

What do you do in your free time?

I like cooking in german

So, tell me “Was machst du in deiner Freizeit?”

Ich singe gerne.

I like singing.

Ich koche gerne.

I like cooking.

Ich spiele gerne Fußball.

I like playing football.

Ich spiele gerne Basketball.

I like playing basketball.

Ich höre gerne Musik.

I like listening to music.

Ich lese gerne.

I like reading.

Ich renne gerne.

I like running.

Ich schwimme gerne.

I like swimming.

Ich angele gerne.

I like fishing.

Ich schaue gerne Filme an.

I like watching movies.

Ich surfe gerne im Internet.

I like surfing the net.

Ich mache gerne Musik.

I like playing music.

Ich reise gerne.

I like traveling.

Ich treffe mich gerne mit Freunden.

I like meeting friends.

Ich fotographiere gerne.

I like taking photographs.

Here are some more useful phrases about things that you might like to do...

Ich fahre gerne Ski.

I like skiing.

Ich tauche gerne.

I like scuba diving.

Ich arbeite gerne im Garten.

I like gardening.

Ich ruhe mich gerne aus.

I like to relax.

Ich tanze gerne.

I like dancing.

Ich gehe gerne spazieren.

I like walking.

Ich gehe gerne ins Theater.

I like going to the theater.

Ich gehe gerne ins Kino.

I like going to the cinema.

Ich gehe gerne essen.

I like eating out.

Ich gehe gerne in Clubs.

I like night clubbing.

That’s it for today’s lesson. I hope you had fun!

Here are a few recommended German lessons to try next!

Bis bald!

Paul Weber: Rocket German

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